vocab 2

  1. magnanimous
    • noble
    • generous in forgiving
    • free from petty feelings or acts
  2. enunciate
    • to state clearly and distinctly
    • to pronounce
    • articulate
  3. collaborate
    • to work with another toward a goal
    • cooperate
  4. impound
    • to confine
    • confiscate
  5. impecable
    • faultless
    • perfect
    • flawless
  6. evoke
    • to summon forth
    • elicit
  7. inane
    • without sense or meaning
    • silly
    • foolish
    • insipid
  8. unctuous
    • exaggeratedly or insincerely polite
    • oily
  9. expatriate
    someone who chooses to live outside ones country
  10. frowzy
  11. heinous
    hatefully of shockingly evil
  12. expound
    • to explain in detail
    • to clarify
    • elaborate
  13. cajole
    • to persuade with false promises and flattery
    • coax
    • wheedle
  14. inscrutable
    • not easily understood
    • enigmatic
  15. balk
    • to refuse stubbornly or abruptly
    • to stop short and refuse to go on
    • hesitate
    • object
  16. acrimony
    • ill-natured
    • bitter hostility
    • animosity
  17. dour
    • stern and ill-humored
    • animosity
  18. exult
    • to rejoice
    • to feel triumphant
    • celebrate
  19. omniscient
    • having unlimited knowledge
    • all-knowing
  20. feasible
    • reasonable
    • capable of being carried out
    • possible
    • doable
  21. fiasco
    • a complete ridiculous failure
    • disaster
  22. metier
    • the work one is especially suited for
    • one's forte
  23. fluctuate
    • to rise and fall
    • to vary irregularly
    • waver
    • vacillate
  24. harry
    • to annoy or harass
    • bother
    • pester
  25. incognito
    • disguised
    • pretending not to be oneself
  26. lethargy
    • lack of energy
    • sluggishness
    • torpor
    • lassitude
  27. epistle
    a letter or literary composition in letter form
  28. avid
    • enthusiastic
    • extremely interested
    • voracious
    • pest
  29. gadfly
    • an irritating and persistent person
    • nuisance
    • pest
  30. humility
    • absence of vanity
    • humbleness
    • modesty
  31. dolorous
    • exhibiting sorrow or pain
    • mournful
  32. gargantuan
    • of huge or extrordinary size and power
    • gigantic
    • huge
  33. arduous
    • difficult
    • requiring much effort
    • strenuous
    • laborious
  34. affable
    • friendly
    • amiable
  35. grandiloquent
    • pompous orhigh-flown speech
    • pretentious
  36. agrarian
    • concerning farnms, farmers, or the use of land
    • agricultural
  37. grimace
    • a facial expression of fear dissapproval or pain
    • scowl
  38. harangue
    • a long strongly expressed speech or lecture
    • tirade
  39. formidable
    • arousing fear or awe
    • intimidating
  40. sycophant
    • a flatterer
    • one who fawns on others in order to get a favor
    • toady
  41. explicit
    • clearly and openly stated
    • leaving nothing to the imagination
    • exact
    • precise
  42. altercation
    • a heated arguement
    • quarrel
    • dispute
  43. lexicon
    • a dictionary
    • jargon
    • argot
    • cant
  44. hue
    a particular shade of a given color
  45. galvanize
    • to startle into sudden activity
    • to bring into action
    • stimulate
  46. sanction
    • permission
    • support
  47. hyperbole
    extreme exaggeration for effect and not meant to be taken seriously
  48. ominous
    • threatening
    • foreboding evil
    • sinister
  49. audacity
    • rude boldness
    • nerve
    • insolence
    • impudence
  50. evince
    • to demonstrate clearly
    • to prove
    • manifest
  51. implacable
    • unable to be appeased or pacified
    • inflexible
    • relentless
  52. exhort
    • to urge on with stirring words
    • encourage
  53. incarcerate
    • to put into prison
    • imprison
    • constrain
  54. incisive
    • sharp
    • keen
    • cutting straight to the heart of the matter
    • piercing
    • acute
  55. expedient
    • practical
    • providing an immediate advantage
    • effective
  56. pertinent
    • having to do with the subject at hand
    • relevant
  57. inert
    • unable to move or act
    • sluggish
    • passive
  58. circumvent
    • to get around
    • to bypass
    • avoid
  59. clandestine
    • secret
    • covert
    • furtive
  60. acquit
    • to find not guilty of a crime or fault
    • absolve
  61. deprecate
    • to express strong dissapproval of
    • deplore
  62. barrister
  63. adulation
    • excessive praise or admiration
    • flattery
    • adoration
  64. culinary
    having to do with the kitchen or cooking
  65. bawdy
    • indecent
    • humorously obscene
    • risque
    • lewd
  66. chastise
    • to punish severely
    • discipline
  67. jocose
    • joking
    • humorous
    • witty
    • jocund
  68. myriad
    • very large number
    • too numerous to be counted
    • multiple
    • innumerous
  69. latent
    • present but not active
    • hidden
    • dormant
  70. pernicious
    • destructive
    • deadly
    • malignant
    • harmful
  71. frugal
    • thrifty
    • economical in money matters
    • economical
  72. levity
    • lightness of disposition
    • lack of seriousness
    • frivolity
  73. hoax
    • a practical joke
    • trick
    • fraud
    • fake
  74. amicable
    • friendly
    • peaceable
    • agreeable
    • amiable
  75. obstreperous
    • agggressively boisterous
    • stubborn and defiant
  76. enraptured
    • delighted beoyond measure
    • ecstatic
  77. marital
    • having to do with marriage
    • wedded
  78. bask
    to expose oneself to pleasant warmth
  79. genial
    • friendly
    • amiable
    • cordial
  80. charlatan
    • one who pretends to have knowledge in order to swindle others
    • quack
    • fraud
  81. mundane
    • commonplace
    • earthly and not spiritual
    • boring
  82. fickle
    • likely to change on a whim or without apparent reason
    • vacillating
    • capricous
  83. juggernaut
    a terrible destructive or irresistable force
  84. naive
    • simple in outlook
    • not affected or worldly
    • esspecially innocent
    • unsophisticated
    • unsuspecting
  85. nocturnal
    • having to do with the night
    • occuring at night
  86. novice
    • a beginner
    • one who is inexperienced
    • apprentice
    • tyro
Card Set
vocab 2