Ectopic Pregnancy
Embryo outside of endometrial cavity
1% of pregnancies
Most common cause
50% due to damage of fallopian tube cilia from PID
Other causes
abnormal fertilized ovum, late conception in cycle
RF's for ectopic
previous ectopic, African origin, smoking, endometriosis, IUD (if pregnant), Hx PID, infertility, climiphene citrate use with induction, prior tubal procedures
More RF's
abd surgery, uterine leiomyomas, adhesions, abN uterus shape
Management of suspected ectopic
ABCs/Vitals/stabilize, confirm B-hCG, exam and investigations to assess, Rhogram is Rh-
serial B-hCGs, US (TVUS if >1500, abd if >6500), blood type
When to use Medical Treatment of Ectopic
Only if all criteria met: <3.5cm unruptured, no FHR, B-hCG<5000, no liver/kidney/blood diseases, compliant/reliable, close follow-up
Dosage of medical treatment
50mg/m2 of MTX IM dose x 1 then follow B-hCG weekly until non-detectable
Success rate of Medical Tx of Ectopic
67% success rate, 25% may require 2nd dose MTX, 80% tubal potency after
Surgical Treatment of Ectopic
linear salpingostomy if tube salvageable, or salpingectomy if damaged
What condition do we worry about after Ectopic?
persistent trophoblast/GTD in 15% - need to follow B-hCG weekly
What is the definition of antepartum hemorrhage
vaginal bleeding after 20weeks to term
DDx of antepartum hemorrhage
bloody show, placenta prevue, vasa previa, abruptio placentae, marginal sinus bleeding, cervical lesion, uterine rupture, coagulopathy, urinary/bowel bleeding, vaginal laceration
Categories of placental invasion (placenta accrete)
At myometrium = pl. Accreta, Into myo = pl. Increta, Passes myometrium = pl. Percreta