Chapter 1 Multiple Choice

  1. In the anatomical position, the subject is:

    C. standing with the arms at the sides and palms facing forward.
  2. The dorsal body cavity contains the:

    D. brain and spinal cord
  3. The ventral body cavity contains the:

    D. thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities
  4. The axial portion of the body consist of:

    C. head, neck, and torso
  5. The abdominopelvic cavity contains all of the following except the:

    B. lungs
  6. The mediastinum contains all of the following except the:

    B. lungs
  7. Visceral peritoneum would cover which of the following organs?

    D. liver
  8. A sagittal section would divide the body into:

    B. right and left sides
  9. A coronal section would divide the body into:

    C. front and back portions
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Chapter 1 Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice