vocab 1

  1. droll
    amusing in an odd or whimsical way
  2. extrovert
    • one who is outgoing
    • one who is energized rather than drained by interactions woth others
  3. gamut
    the whole range or extent
  4. dole
    • to distribute
    • to give out sparingly
  5. abhor
    • to detest
    • to hate strongly
  6. decorum
    • conformity to accepted standards of conduct
    • proper behavior
    • propriety
  7. abate
    • to lessen in violence or intensity
    • decrease
    • subside
  8. duplicity
    • intentional deceit in speech or conduct
    • deception
  9. effigy
    a crude dummy or image representing a hated person or group
  10. austere
    • stern
    • severe
    • plain
    • strict
  11. emulate
    • to strive to be equal to
    • to imitate
    • copy
  12. sere
    • dry and withered
    • arid
    • desiccated
  13. enhance
    • to increase the value or beauty of something
    • improve
  14. contrite
    • feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing
    • repentant
Card Set
vocab 1