Slime molds (plasmodial)
- myxomycota
- no individual cells
- sporangia
- spores
- myxamoebae
Slime Molds (Cellular)
- individual cells
- pseudoplasmodium
- slug stage- produces sorocarp
- sorocarp- produces spores
Water Molds (Oomycota)
- cellulose cell walls even tho it's fungi
- oogonium- produces eggs
- antheridium- produces sperm
- coenocytic- cell walls encasing tubes with many nuclei and mitochondria
- *mulitnucleated tissue found in fungi
- ex) Ick on fish, plasmopara- downy mildew on grapes, phytophthora- late blight of potato
- downy mildew of grapes
- first fungicide
late blight of the potato
Chitrids (Chitridomycota)
- among the simplest of fungi
- usually unicellular
Real fungi characteristics
- chitin
- glycogen: not starch (stores sugars)
- filamentous: long string cells
- extra cellular digestion: exude chemical from cells and breaks down food
Real fungi problems
- decompose all sorts of material
- produce aflatoxins: can't eat it, carcinogen, gets into corn
- diseases
Real fungi benefits
- antibiotics
- yeast
- citric acid production
Real fungi growth habits
- hyphae: individual threads (cells) (singular-hypha)
- mycelium: collection of hyphae
- rhizoids: root-like
- haustoria: root-like, invade plant cell in a mutualistic relationship
Real fungi: Zygomycota
- name given based on reproduction
- zygospore is formed
- ex) black bread mold
- ex) Pilobulus-cap tosser
- ex) worm trapping fungi
Real fungi: Zygomycota
Pilobolus-cap tosser
- dung fungus
- shoots sollection of spores towards light
- land top of grass, eaten by cow
Real fungi: Zygomycota life cycle
Real fungi: Ascomycota examples
- chestnut blight
- dutch elm disease
- morels (eat this type)
- truffels (found in the ground)
- yeast
- ergot (LSD)
Real fungi: Ascomycota life cycle
- dikaryotic- 2 nuclei, one set of chromosomes in each nucleus (n+n)
- ascus- nuclei merge and become diploid and form spores?
- ascospores- 4 or 8 formed, produces by ascus, haploid spores
Real fungi: Deuteromycota
- no sexual reproduction, only asexual
- ex) fungi imperfecti
- ex) Peicillium roquefortii- roquefort cheese
- ex) Aspergillus oryzae- produce asexual spores on a head, soy sauce
- ex) Penicillium- Alexander Fleming 1928, antibiotics
Real fungi: Ascomycota life cycle picture
Real fungi: Basidiomycota (Club fungi)
- mushrooms
- toadstools
- puffballs
- shelf fungi
- rusts and smuts
Real fungi: Basidiomycota life cycle
Clamp connections- to maintain dikaryotic condition
Puccinia graminis
Black stem rust of wheat
- must live on 2 plants to complete life cycle
- -other plant is barberry
- pop. of fungi live on barberry, produce dikaryotic spores after connection with wheat-called aeciospores
- 2 hosts of one organism
- ex) wheat rusts-barberry
- ex) white pine blister rust-gooseberry
- ex) apple rust-cedar trees
- ex) corn rust-sorrel
- fungi has special relationship with roots of other plants, benefits both
- plant provides carbohydrates
- fungi provides minerals
- stays outside of root cells
- root hairs are often absent
- goes inside root cells
- penetrate living cells
life style
- unicellular
- colonial
- filamentous (growth in one direction)
- Thallose (growth in two directions)
basic life cycle
- sporic (alternation of generations)
- *heteromorphic- can tell stages (sporophyte and gametophyte) apart
- *isomorphic- hard to tell stages (sporophyte and gametophyte) apart
- gametes in plants produced by mitosis
- sporophyte and gametophyte stage