trauma alert

  1. criteria 1- adult trauma
    active airway assistance required beyond o2 admin.
  2. criteria 2- adult trauma
    HR greater than 120 without radial pulses
  3. criteria 3- adult
    Systolic BP less than 90
  4. criteria 4- adult
    BMR less than 4 or total GCS less than 12
  5. criteria 5- adult
    2nd or 3rd degree burns greater than 15% BSA.
  6. criteria 6- adult
    amputation proximal to wrist or ankle
  7. criteria 7- adult
    penetrating injury to head, neck or torso..excluding superficial wounds were depth of wound can be determined
  8. criteria 8- adult
    2 or more long-bone fracture sites

  9. criteria 9- adult
    paralysis, loss of sensation, or suspected spinal cord injury
  10. distance for ground transport vs air transport
    • less than 5 miles= ground
    • greater than 5 miles = air
    • less than 12 minutes= ground
    • greater than 12 minutes = air
  11. cardiac arrest... trauma alert
    nearest facility
  12. lack of airway
    nearest facility
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trauma alert
trauma alert