Vase and tems with columns

  1. Vase for Wine or Wet storage?
    • Image Upload 2
  2. what do you call the Water and wine mixer bowls?
    • Column Krater
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    • Bell Krater
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  3. which Vase is used for water?
    • Hydria
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  4. What vase is used for drinking?
    • Kylix
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  5. which vase is used for oil?
    • Lekythos
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  6. which vase is used for wine serving?
    • Oinochoe
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    corinthian column
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    doric column
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    ionic column
  10. define the 7 parts of a building
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    what kind of artistic vases and figure are these?
    Bilingual vase- shows the same scene on both sides of the base one in red and the other in black figure.
  12. Image Upload 26
    what are this jars used for?
    Canopic Jars- are used for storing the organs of the deseased which later is buried in their chamber.
  13. Image Upload 28
    what are the name of this columns?
    CARYATID- a female column
  14. Image Upload 30Image Upload 32
    what is the name of this system of writing? how is it made?
    CUNEIFORM- wedge shape system of writing that uses a stylus to press into soft clay that later bakes.
  15. Image Upload 34
    what is the name of the part of this column.
    Entasis- the swelling in the shaft of a column.
  16. Image Upload 36
    what is the name of this place? and what city is located there?
    Fertile cresent- the land between the rivers. tigris and euphrates the city of MESOPOTAMIA.
  17. Image Upload 38
    what is the name of this system of writing?
    Hyeroglyphs- an old egyptian style of writing that uses symbols and pictures.
  18. Image Upload 40
    title of this art?
    Lamassu- a guardian in the form of a men headed bull with wings.
  19. Image Upload 42
    what is the name of this beast?
    Minotaur- mythical beast that is half man half beast.
  20. Image Upload 44
    what is this kings know for? what is his name?
    Pericles-a leader that restored the acropolis and parthenon.
  21. Image Upload 46Image Upload 48
    what is the name of this slab of rock?
    • Rosetta stone- had 3 languages
    • ancient egypt/demonic/greek
  22. Image Upload 50
    what is depicted on this?
    Symposia- a greek gathering only for men.
  23. Image Upload 52
    what was this site for? and the name?
    Ziggurat-a platform for a temple for the living to use for worship.
Card Set
Vase and tems with columns
greek vases for midterm and columns with important terms.