
  1. Once in power, Jefferson:

    D) increasingly adopted broad construction.

    John Marshall was a Federalist and an outgoing appointment of John Adams.
  2. Jefferson believed in:

    D) one-party rule

    While Jefferson may have seen that opposition parties could be a legitimate part of American politics, he still hoped to unite all Americans under one party
  3. As they left office, Federalists hoped to retain influence by:

    C) expanding the size of the federal court system.

    The Federalists hoped to retain power by expanding the size of the federal court system and appointing Federalist judges to those new posts.
  4. According to the doctrine established in the landmark Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison:

    D) the Court could rule on the constitutionality of federal laws

    In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court upheld the doctrine of judicial review, which gave the court the power to rule on the constitutionality of federal laws.
  5. Jefferson favored western expansion for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

    B) he thought it would strengthen the power of the federal government.

    Jefferson favored western expansion in part because the West was overwhelmingly Republican.
  6. In the South of the early 1800s:

    C) revivalism was important in spreading Christianity to African-Americans.

    Revivalism was a major force in spreading Christianity to slaves.
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