
  1. In 1790, African-Americans made up:

    C) roughly one-fifth of the U.S. population.

    In 1790, black Americans numbered 750,000, almost one-fifth of the total population.
  2. In 1789 most Americans:

    A) were outside the commercial economy.

    Most Americans in 1789 were living off their own land in a barter economy.
  3. All of the following were part of Hamilton's program EXCEPT:

    D) prohibiting trade with Britain.

    Hamilton's program did include a whiskey tax
  4. Critics of Alexander Hamilton feared that his policies:

    C) posed a serious threat to Americans' liberties.

    Hamilton's opponents feared the power of a financial aristocracy, not that of state governments.
  5. Alexander Hamilton believed the fundamental issue of the Whiskey Rebellion to be:

    B) over the authority of the national government to enforce its policies.

    Hamilton viewed the Whiskey Rebellion as fundamentally a dispute over the authority of the federal government to enforce its laws.
  6. In response to the French Revolution and the outbreak of war between Britain and France, President George Washington:

    D) proclaimed American neutrality

    Washington was convinced that in order to prosper the United States had to remain neutral in the conflicts between European powers.
  7. Jay's Treaty:

    A) secured the evacuation of British troops from the Northwest.

    Jay's treaty did remove British troops from the Northwest.
  8. In the XYZ affair:

    B) French officials demanded a bribe to negotiate with the United States.

    The XYZ Affair occurred when French officials demanded a bribe to open negotiations regarding French raids on American ships.
  9. In response to the Sedition Act of 1798:

    C) Americans adopted a more absolute view of freedom of speech

    The Sedition Act led the way for a new view of freedom of the press, which made only overtly seditious acts and not opinions subject to prosecution.
  10. The peace treaty John Adams signed with France in 1800:

    C) severely hurt Adams' prospects for reelection.

    Adams' treaty drove Hamilton's wing of the Federalist party into revolt and ruined his own chances of re-election.
  11. In 1800, Thomas Jefferson was elected president by the:

    B) House of Representatives

    The House of Representatives broke a tie between Jefferson and Burr in 1800, awarding the election to Jefferson.
  12. With the election of 1800, Federalists firmly believed that:

    D) the republic had failed.

    The Federalists believed the Republicans would reverse Federalist policy and destroy the nation.
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