Structural Exercises
Core exercise that empasizes loading the spine directly or indirecly . Involves musclular stabilization of posture during performance of the lifting movement.
Power Exercises
A structural exercise that is performed very quickly or explosively is considered a power exercise.
Typically assigned to athletes when they are appropriate for athletes sport specific trianing priorities.
Rest Period Length
- Strength 2-5 min
- Power-single/multiple 2-5 min
- Hypertrophy 30sec-1.5 min
- Muscular Endurance less than 30 sec.
Resistance Frequency (based on sport season)
- Off Season 4-6 days
- Pre Season 3-4 days
- In Season 1-2 days
- Post Season 1-3 days
2-for-2 Rule
Conservative method that can be used to increase an athlete's an athlete's training loads.
If an athlete can perform two or more repetitions over her their assigned rep goal for a given exercise in the last set in two consecutive workourts, wieght should be added to that exercise for the next session
Agonist vs Antagonist
Agonist - muscle or muscle group causing the movement
Antagonist- passive muscle on opposite side of limb
Movement Analysis
Body and limb movement patterns, joint ranges in motion, and muscular involvement. Exercises should create a muscular balace.
Physiological analysis
Strenth, power, hypertrophy, and muscular endurance priorities
Injury analysis
Common sites for joint and muscle injury and causative factors
Program Design
- Requires the recognition and manipulation of seven variables.
- Needs Analysis
- Exercise Selection
- Training Frequesncy
- Exercise Order
- Training Load and repetitions
- Volume
- Rest Periods
Needs Analysis
2 stage process that includes an evaluation of the requirements and characteristics of the sport and assessment of the athlete.
Evaluation of Sport
First task in a needs analysis is to determine the unique characteristics of the support. This info enables the strength and conditioning professional to design a program specific to those requirements and characteristics. Should consider three analysis.
Sport Analysis (3 factors)
- Movement Analysis
- Physiological Analysis
- Injury Analysis
Other characteristics such as cardiovascualr endurance, speed, agility, and flexibility requirements should also be evaluated
Super Sets
8-10 reps w minimal to no rest
1 set of several exercises for opposing muscle group quickly
Forced Rep System
aafter exhaustion an assist helps complete 3 -4 more reps
- near max 1RM, 10-15 sec rest
- repeat 4-5 times
Functional Isometric
joint angle specific, this methods has the person lift dynamically for a very limited range, hit a pin or bar with the weight so that it cannot move anymore, then pushing that resistance for 5-7 seconds more. Good in use with normal lifting parameters. (Good for athletes recovering from injury).
Multiple Set System
2-3 warm up sets (increasing resistance) followed by serveral sets of same resistance
Single Set System
1 set usually 8-12 reps
Bulk System
Usually a multiple set system of 3 sets. 5-6 reps
Cheat System
used by body builders and this class. Breaking the form of the exercise. Used for heavier weights at weaker portions of the lift. (3-4 more times)
Exhaustion-Set System
performing as many reps with good technique until concentric failure
Forced Rep System
after exhaustion, an assistant helps the person perform the lift (3-4 more times)
perform to exhaustion, then do partial reps (3-6) to "burn" the muscle
Burn System
Circuit Program
series of resistance exercises exercises performed one after another with minimal rest (15-30 sec) between. Each exercise is performed with 10-15 reps at 40-60% RM
Tri Set System
consists of groups of 3 exercises for same body part (similar to circuit) with 3 sets little rest.
Compoud Set System-
perform an exercise for 1 muscle group then doing tanother exercise for same muscle group (little or no rest).
perform 2 or more exercises for the same muscle or for 2 muscle groups in close proximity
Triangle (Pyramid)
10-12 reps with light resistance, over several sets, the reps decrease and resistance increases, until you hit the 1 RM . Then follow same sets/reps as you did on the way up back down again
Light to Heavy
begin with 1 set of 3-5 reps. Add approx 5 lbs and do again. Repeat until 1 RM
DeLorme-3 sets of 10 reps at 50, 66, 100% of a 10 rep max.
Heavy to Light
after warm up, go from heavy to light
Oxford technique- 3 sets of 10 reps, form 100, 66, 50% of 10 RM
Multi-Poundage System
start with 1 set at 4-5 RM resistance, then drop 2-40 pounds and do another 4-5 reps, and continue
Negative System
lowering more than you can lift concentrically. Spotters lift the weight then person lowers slowly
good neural component
120% of concentric weight did not yield positive results
Super Overload System
- partial reps of 125% 1RM with spotter assistance. Only partial reps (7-10) then 1 full rep. Perform 3 sets
- *hard
Priority System
Just taxing the majkor muscle grop first, dependent upon goals of the individual
Split Routine
training many exercises for the same body section on alternate days
Arms, legs, abdomen on Mon, Wed, Fri
Chest, shoulders, back on TUE, THurs, Sat
Blitz Program
split routine variation in which only 1 body part is trained each session (do more sets/reps)
Isolated Exercises
only a single exercise is trained (such as bench) on one day. Usually as many sets as possible (8-10) reps, with 1 minute rest between sets
Super Pump
for body builders
15-18 sets for each body part per session. Usually 1-3 different exercises for each muscle group ( incline, decline, fly) with 15 seconds rest between sets with 5-6 reps. Must train muscle groups 2-3 times per week.
Super Setting
8-10 reps with minimal to no rest
agonist/antagonist- arm curls followed immediately by arm extensions
1 set of several exercises in rapid succession for same muscle group ( lat pulls, rows, bent-over rows)
Super Slow
super slow reps that can take 20-60 seconds to perform (mostly performed on machines)
Assessment of the Athlete
the second task is to profile the athlete's needs and goals by evaluating training (and injury) status, conducting a variety of test (eg, maximum strength testing), evaluating the results, and determinining the primary goal of training.
Training Status
The athlete's currecnt condition or level of perparedness to begining a new or revised program.
Included evaluation by sports medicine professional if there are any current or previous injuries.
Training Background
trianing history. Training that occurred before she began a new or revised program.
-Type of trianing program (spring, plyometric, resistance, etc.)
-Length of reent regular participation in previous trining programs
-Level of intensity involved in previous training programs
Degree of Exercise tecnique experience (ie knowledge and skill to perform resistance training exercises properly)
Physical Testing and Evaluation
Physical evaluation involves conducting assessments of athletes strength flexibility, power, speed, muscular endurance, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, and so on.
to yield pertinent and reliable data
select tests that relate to the athelete's sport, consistant with the level of skill, and realistically based on the equipment available.
After testing is completed
compare results to normative or descriptive data to determine the athlete's strengths and weaknesses. Based on the evaluation and needs analysis a training program can be developed to improve deficiencies, maintian strength, or develp physicological qualities
General Training Priorities By Season
Low Priority-sport practice, High Priority Resistance Training
Resistance Training Goal-hypertrophy and muscular endurance (initially); strength and power (later)
General Training Priorities By Season
Pre Season
1/2Priority Sport Practice 1/2 Priority Resistance Train
Sport and movement specific (ie strength, power, or muscular endurance, depending on the sport)
General Training Priorities By Season
In Season
Sport Practice High Priority, Res. Traing Low
Maintenance of preseaon goals
General Training Priorities By Season
Postseason (active rest)
Sport practice and Resistance training vary in priority
Not specific (may include activities other than sport skill or resistance training)
Core Exercises
exercises which recruit on or more large muscle areas (ches, shoulder, back, hip or thigh). involve two or more primary joints (multijoint exercises), and receive priority when one is selecting exercies.
Assistance Exercises
usually recruit smaller muscle areas (upper arm, abs, calf, neck, forearm, lower back, or anterior lower leg), involve only on primary joint (single joint exercises), and are considered less important to improving sport performance.
- These exercises often isolate a specific muscle or muscle group.
- usually for injury prevention and rehab.
Specific adaptation to imposed demands principle.
The more similar the training activity is to the actual sport movement, the greater the liklibook that there will be a positive transfer to that sport.
Movement Patterns:
Ball dribbling and passing
Ball kicking
Ball dribbling and passing- close grip bench press, dumbbell bench press, triceps, pushdown, reverse curl, hammer curl
Ball kicking-Unilateral hip adduction and abduction, forward step lunge, leg (knee extension) extension, leg raise.
Movement Patterns:
Freestyle Swimming
Freestyle Swimming- Lat pulldown, lateral shoulder raise, forward step lunge, upright row, barbell pullover
Jumping-Power clean, push jerk, back squat, front squat, standing calf (heel) raise.
Movement Patterns
Racket Stroke
Racket stroke- Flat dumbbell fly, bent-over lateral raise, wrist curl, wrist extension
Rowing- Power clean, bent-over row, seated row, hip sled, horizontal leg press, deadlift, good morning
Movement Patterns
Running, Sprinting
Throwing, Pitching
Running, Sprinting- Forward step lunge, step-up, leg (knee) extension, leg (knee) curl, toe raise (dorsiflexion)
Throwing, pitching- Barbell pullowver, overhead triceps extension, shoulder internal and external rotation