Fitness Assessment

  1. 7 Subjective Info Subtypes
    • General Medical History
    • Occupation
    • Lifestyle
    • Past Injuries
    • Past Surgeries
    • Chronic Conditions
    • Medications
  2. Beta Blockers
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Antihypertensive (high BP) or for arrhythmia (irregular heart rate)
    • -HR Down BP Down
  3. Calcium-channel blockers
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Hypertension and angina (chest pain)
    • -HR Up, Down or no effect BP Down
  4. Nitrates
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Hypertension or congestive heart failure
    • -HR Up or no effect BP Down or no effect
  5. Diuretics
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Hypertension, congestive heart failure, peripheral edema
    • -HR no effect BP Down or no effect
  6. Bronchodilators
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Correct or prevent bronchial smooth muscle constriction in individuals with asthma and other pulmonary diseases
    • -HR no effect BP no effect
  7. Vasodilators
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Hypertension and congestive heart failure
    • -HR Up, Down or no effect BP Down
  8. Antidepressants
    -Effect on HR and BP
    • -Psychiatric and emotional disorders
    • -HR Up or no effect BP Down or no effect
  9. Top 4 Injuries that effect kinetic chain
    • Ankle Sprain
    • Knee (ligaments)
    • Lower Back
    • Shoulder
  10. 7 Chronic Diseases (people who don't do minimum 30 min a day)
    • Cardiovascular Disease
    • Hypertension
    • High Cholesterol
    • Stroke
    • Lung or Breathing problems
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes mellitus
  11. 5 Categories of Objective Info
    • Physiologic
    • Body-composition
    • Cardiorespiratory
    • Movement (posture)
    • Performance
  12. Systolic
    • Top BP Number
    • Pressure produced by heart as pumps blood to body 120-130
    • -Listen for first observation of pulse
  13. Diastolic
    • Bottom BP number
    • Minimum pressure within arteries through full cardiac cycle 80 to 85
    • -Listen for when pulse fades away
  14. Sphygmomanometer
    Blood pressure cuff, pressure meter, bulb w/valve, stethoscope
  15. Body Composition
    4 measurements
    • Body fat
    • Circumference
    • Hip to waist ratio
    • Body Mass index
  16. Body fat %
    3 methods
    • Skin Fold Calipers (subcutaneous fat or beneath the skin) (Durnin formula)
    • Bioelectrical Impedance
    • Underwater Weighing (fat vs. lean body tissue)
  17. Durnin Formula
    -Locations on body
    • Image Upload 2
    • -Bicep: vertical fold on front of arm over bicep halfway between shoulder and elbow
    • -Tricep: Vertical fold on back of arm halfway between shoulder and elbow
    • -Subscapular: 45 degree angle fold of 1 to 2cm below inferior angle of scapula
    • -Iliac Crest: 45 degree angle fold just above iliac crest and medial to axillary line
  18. Circumference Measurements
    7 Locations
    • Neck (across adams)
    • Chest (nipple line)
    • Waist (narrowest point of waist, below rib cage)
    • -if no narrowing, measure at navel
    • Hips (feet together, widest part of buttocks)
    • Thighs (ten inches above top of patella)
    • Calves (at maximum circum)
    • Biceps (at maximal circum, arm extended and palm forward)
  19. Waist to Hip Ratio
    Divide smallest part of waist by largest part of hip

    • Waist/Hip
    • Image Upload 4
  20. Body Mass Index (BMI)
    • Weight and heigh correlation
    • Divide Body Weight (kilorgams)/By height in meters squared
    • -Oesity related problems when BMI is above 25
    • Image Upload 6
  21. Cardiorespiratory Assessments
    -2 of them
    • Three minute step test
    • Rockport walk test
  22. Structural Efficiencey
    Alignment of muskuloskeletal system that allows center of gravity to be maintained over base of support
  23. Functional Efficiencey
    Ability of neuromuscular system to monitor and manipulate movement during functional tasks using least amount of energy, creating least amount of stress on kinetic chain
  24. Postural Equilibrium
    Maintaining state of balance in alignment of kinetic chain
  25. Functional Strength
    Ability of neuromuscular system to contract eccentrically, isometrically and concentrically in a 3 planes
  26. Postural Distortion Patterns
    Predictable occurrences of muscle imbalances caused by altered movement pattern
  27. Overhead Squat Assessment
    Assesses dynamic flexibility on both sides of the body and integrated total body strength
  28. Single Let Squat Assessment
    Assess ankle proprioception, core strength and hip joint stability
  29. Pushing Assessment and Pulling Assessments
    -Compensations to look for
    • Lower back arching
    • Shoulder Elevation
    • Head protrudes forward
  30. Davies Test
    Image Upload 8
  31. Shark Skill Test
    Image Upload 10
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Fitness Assessment
Fitness Assessment