What are the common complaints for Dermatology?
- Erythema
- Growths
- Inflammatory
- Scaly
- Vesicular
What is under Erythema?
- Anthrax (cutaneous)
- Cellulitis
- Drug Reaction
- Furuncle
- Urticaria
What is under Growths?
Wart (common)
What is under Inflammatory?
Acne Vulgaris
What is under Scaly?
- Tinea Corporis
- Tinea Cruris
- Tinea Pedis
- Tinea Versicolor
What is under Vesicular?
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Contact Dermatitis
- Eczema (dyshidrosis)
- Herpes Zoster
- Smallpox
- Vericella (chieckenpox)
What are key fetures of Anthrax?
- Progressive enlargement with marked erythema, edema, vesicles, central ulceration, and black pustules
- Exposure Hx important
What are key fetures of Cellulitis?
Idurated patch that is painful and warm to touch
What are key fetures of Drug Reaction?
- Hx medication use
- Onset may be delayed by 1 week; R/O anaphylaxis and bacterial pharyngitis
What are key fetures of Furuncle?
Papule or nodule, firm or fluctuant; painful and warm to touch
What are key fetures of Urticaria?
- Recent history of ingestion of drug or food associated with generalized rash
- Ask about over-the-counter or herb use
- Asprin (salicylate) is the most common cause
What are key fetures of a Wart?(common
- Smoth flesh colored papules that become dome-shaped, gray-brown growths with black dots
- No skin lines through lesion as corns do
What are key fetures of Acne Vulgaris?
Cosed comedones and/or open comedones
What are key fetures of Tinea Corporis?
- "Ringworm"
- Pruritis of affected area
What are key fetures of Tinea Cruris?
- "Jock Itch"
- Pruritis of groin
What are key fetures of Tinea Pedis?
- "Athletes foot"
- Pruritis of foot/feet
What are key fetures of Tinea Versicolor?
- Fine hypopigmented small patches, usually multiple on trunk
- Mild pruritis of affected area
What are key fetures of Atopic Dermatitis?
- Chronic history of same
- Scratching or oozing and crusting may occur
What are key fetures of Contact Dermatitis?
Acute history of contact to exogenous plant, chemical or metal; common offending agents include poison ivy/oak/sumac
What are key fetures of Eczema (dyshidrosis)?
Acute or chronic associated with exvessive sweating, related to stress or irritation by nickel, chromate or cobalt
What are key fetures of Herpes Zoster?
Acute prodrome of knife-like pain, pruritis prior to eruption; lesion lasting weeks to months with predominant complaint of pain
What are key fetures of Smallpox?
- Acute onset with oropharyngeal, facial, & arm lesions spreading to trunk & legs
- Fever, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, backache, & extreme malaise
What are key fetures of Varicella (chickenpox)?
Acute prodrome of chills, fever, malaise, headache, sore throat, anorexia, dry cough