Household Changes from 1990 to 2000
- Less married couples
- More 2+ people non-family living together
Cohabitation Rate
- Increasing
- Majority of marriages preceded by cohabitation
Postponement of Marriage
- Increasing
- More males postpone than females
Single People Living Alone
- Increasing
- Now make up more than 25% of US households
Average Household Size in US
Multiple-Generation Households
- Increasing
- More common among immigrants, unwed moms, & those in areas w/ housing shortages
- 9% of all children live in a household w/ a grandparent (23% of those have no parent present)
Average Number of Children per Female
- 1917: A little more than 3
- 1935: A little more than 2
- 1957: Almost 4
- 1995: 2
(decreased, increased a lot, decreased a lot)
Births to Unwed Mothers
- Increasing
- Many to unwed cohabitating mothers
Divorce Rates
- High, but stable
- Increased greatly in late 70s, but decreased and are now stable
- Declining
- 3/4 of divorced women remarry w/in 10 years
- Remarriage rates of men are higher
Aging Population
More and more of the US population is over age 65
- Emphasize importance of marriage in childrearing
- Divorce, childrearing outside of marriage = detrimental to children
- Individulas' rights to define & live family life as they want to are most important
- Disagree that diverse/nontraditional family forms are harmful to kids & that much harm comes from lack of support
Fed. Gov. Definition of Family
Two or more persons (one of whom is a householder) that are related by birth, marriage, or adoption & reside together
Andrew Billingsley's Definition of Family
Two or more persons sharing a household that are related by blood, marriage, formal adoption, or by appropriation (created kin)
Andrew Cherlin's Public Family
- How well do family members take care of dependents?
- One adult, or two adults who are related by marriage, partnership, or shared parenthood, who is/are taking care of dependents, and the dependents themselves
Andrew Cherlin's Private Family
- How well are families providing the emotional satisfaction people value?
- Two or more individuals who maintain an intimate relationship that they expect will last indefinitely- or in the case of a parent & child, until the child reaches adulthood & who (usually) live in the same household & pool their incomes & household labor
Jan Trost's Definition of Family
- Family Realm v. Non-Family Realm
- System of "dyadic units"
- Completely individualized & subjective
Why is it Important to Define Family?
- Entitlement & benefits
- Defining boundaries of obligation, allegiance, or emotional attachment
- Reflects your understanding of family