Sleep disorders

  1. Sleep disorders
    • Sleep needs incr during times of stress, illness, etc.
    • Insomnia
    • Hypersomnia
    • Narcolepsy
    • Parasomnias
    • Sleep-wake schedule disturbances
  2. Insomnia
    • More common in women
    • Occurs @ early adulthood
    • Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep
    • Primary insomnias: DFA (difficulty falling asleep), EMA (early morning awakening)
    • Secondary insomnias: secondary to medical conditions
    • Dx: at least 1 month duration and impairment due to decr sleep
  3. Hypersomnia
    • More common in men
    • Excessive sleepiness w/o medical or psychosocial causes
    • Occurs at times should be awake
    • Dx: occurs for at least 1 month, occurs w/ some impairment in functioning
    • Causes concentration memory and productivity problems which interferes with social and occupational functioning
  4. Narcolepsy
    • Excessive sleepiness w/ sleep attacks (can't prevent falling asleep)
    • 70% also have cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone, jaw dropping, head dropping, weakness of knees
  5. Parasomnias
    • Nightmares
    • Night terrors - abrupt arousal from sleep w/ piercing yell or cry; difficult to awaken; disoriented; fearful; don't remember terror
    • Sleep walking - return to bed w/ no memory of event
    • Unusual or undesirable behaviors that occur during sleep
  6. Sleep-wake schedule disturbance
    • Nurses
    • Disturbance in circadian rhythm
    • Precipitated by shift workers, night shift nurses
    • Unable to sleep or be awake when want to, but can do so at other times
  7. Sleep hygiene
    • Practices that help develop sleep ritual and sleep better
    • Sleep ritual - go to bed at same time, wake up at same time, same routine before bed
    • No caffeine - after dinner or after morning coffee
    • Comfort measures - room is appropriate temp, dark
    • No alcohol - lowers quality of sleep
    • No napping
    • No strenuous exercise before bedtime
    • No talking on cell phone before bed
Card Set
Sleep disorders
Psych Exam 3 - Sleep disorders