OB - Notes

  1. Selective Perception:

    People selectively interpret what they see based on their interests, background, experience, and attitude.
    • Extraversion: (social outgoing) - retail, sales person
    • Agreeableness (good nature, open minded, open to suggestions) Managers, people who work in groups or teams
    • Conscientiousness (dependable) supervisor bosses and leaders
    • Emotional Stability (bipolar
    • Openess to experiences (innovators, willing to try, seek changes)
  3. Internalizer
    Im in Control – Project Managers, CEO’s, General in the Army
  4. Externalizer:
    Fate & Env. Is in control (blame outside them) – Assist and help others, gentler, nurses, counselors, compassion.
  5. Machiavellianism
    Manipulating others to satisfy your own needs (manipulators)
  6. Theory X assumptions:
    • * Employee dislike work
    • * Employee attempt to avoid work
    • * Employee must be coerced, controlled, or threatened with punishment If they are to perform.
  7. Theory Y assumptions:
    • * Employees like to work
    • * Employees are creative, and seek responsibility
    • * Employees can exercise self direction and self control.
  8. 2nd Theory
    • Achievement: need to reach goals take responsibility
    • Power: desire to control one’s environment
    • Affiliation: desire to seek approval conform to other wishes.
  9. 3rd Theory
    Reinforcement Theory: system of motivation for employees OPERANT CONDITING: Behavior à Reward or Punishment ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION (OB MOD)
  10. Group formation
    • Required behavior:
    • Forming (getting to know each other)
    • Storming (dealing with tensions and defining group task) ->
    • Norming (building relationship
    • and working together) ->
    • Performing (Maturation
    • in relationships and task performances)
    • -> Adjourning (disbanding and celebrating accomplishment)

    • What happens when you move from forming to storming (ideas do not match, conflicts arrives)
    • 3rd phase: something
    • solid comes up out of it. They organize the process and set rules of conducts. Roles (group project)
    • 4thphase: check point, control, make sure we are on the right track.
    • 5th phase:
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OB - Notes