Anatomy and Physiology

  1. Free Nerve Endings (naked nerve endings)
    Pain, crude touch, tempeture, itch, and tickle.
  2. Tactile Corpuscle (Meissner)
    Fine touch and low freqency
  3. Bulbous Corpuscle (Ruffini)
    Touch and pressure
  4. Lamellar Corpuscle (Paccini)
    Pressure and high frequency vibration
  5. Bulboid Corpuscle (Krause end bulbs)
  6. Golgi tendon organs
    Proprioception (sense of muscle tension)
  7. Muscle spindles
    Propriception (sense of muscle length)
  8. Three Layers of the eyeball?
    Sclera, choroid, and retina
  9. Cornea
    covers the iris
  10. Conjunctiva
    mucous membrane lines the eyelid and covers the sclera
  11. Lacrimal gland
    where tears are formed
  12. Choroid
    • Middle part of the eye.
    • Two involuntary muscles: iris, ciliary muscle
    • Pupil: lets light in
    • Lens: behind the pupil
  13. Presbyopia
  14. Visual acuity
    Clearness or sharpness of visual perception
  15. Retina
    • Innermost layer of the eye
    • Conains rods and cones
  16. Aqueous humor
    watery fluid in front of the lens
  17. Vitreous humor
    jellylike fluid behind the lens
  18. Refraction
    light passes from cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor
  19. External Ear
    • Has auricle and external auditory canal
    • Ends at the ear drum
  20. Ceruminous glands
    Produces wax
  21. Cerumen
  22. Middle ear bones?
    Ossicles, malleus, and incus and stapes
  23. Auditory or eustachian tubes
    connects the throat with middle ear
  24. Inner ear has what parts?
    Vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea
Card Set
Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 9: The Senses