History Midterm

  1. Freedmen’s Bureau
    • -Date: established in 1865
    • -What: Funded by taxes; gave food, built shelters and schools for African Americans.
    • -Significance:
    • • Put in place by the government to help African Americans “get on their feet”
    • • Made the federal government see like a hero
  2. 14th Amendment
    • -Date: Ratified: July 9, 1868
    • -What: Conferred national citizenship on all persons born or naturalized in the United States.
    • -Significance:
    • • Allowed Congress to reduce the representation of any state that denied suffrage to males over 21
    • • Became the basis of the Brown vs. Board of Education case in 1954
  3. Dawes Act (same as Dawes Severalty Act)
    • -Date: Adopted by Congress in 1887
    • -What: Gave Indian tribes 160 acres and the right to petition for citizenship if they gave up their land.
    • -Significance:
    • • Promoted the assimilation of Indians into American Society
    • • Indians who did not agree with the “Terms and Conditions” were forced to move to Indian Reservations where many died of starvation and disease.
  4. Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show
    • -Date: 1883- Start of the show
    • -What: A show that brought the ways of the West to those who couldn’t experience it in person.
    • -Significance:
    • •Employed Sitting Bull and other Sioux Indian. (gave them money to help support their tribe)
  5. Andrew Carnegie
    • -Date: 1880s to 1890s
    • -What: A Scottish –American with a “Rags to Riches” story
    • -Significance:
    • •Created the Carnegie Steel Company which gave many Americans work.
    • •One of a few rich men who gave large portions of their money to the poor. He also built libraries and universities.
  6. Social Darwinism
    • -Date: Created within the Gilded Age (1865-1900)
    • -What: Explained and justified why some Americans grew rich while others remained poor.
    • -Significance:
    • •Based off of Charles Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” idea.
    • •Could have been used as an explanation to separate African Americans from white Americans
  7. Knights of Labor
    • -Date: Founded in 1869
    • -What: Largest labor organization in the 19th century
    • -Significance:
    • •An organization which actually allowed African Americans and women to become members.
    • •Showed a start to the Progressive era; where reform was seen everywhere
  8. “The March of the Flag”
    • -Date: 1898
    • -What:
    • -Significance:
  9. Alice Paul
    • -Date: Founded the National Women’s Party in 1915
    • -What: Quaker/ Woman’s rights activist
    • -Significance:
    • •Formed the National Women’s Party where many women who wanted women’s suffrage became members of.
    • •Her dedication to women’s suffrage, by the use of hunger strikes, resulted in the passage of the 19th Amendment.
  10. Fourteen Points
    • -Date: Spoke to Congress in January 8, 1918.
    • -What: Speech by Woodrow Wilson which was a blueprint for peace; ending WWI
    • -Significance:
    • •Was a preliminary event to the Cold War; which was a fight between Americans and Russians.
    • •Created because Bolshevism represented a threat to liberal-capitalist values, which was the foundation of America’s moral and material power.
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History Midterm
History Midterm