Average adult fluid intake and output in a 24 hour period
1,500 to 3,500 ml
50-60% of body weight in a healthy person; and variations occur based on age, body fat, gender
Total Body Water
Intake and output should be about
more fat equals
less water
_______ fluid volume related to vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive urination
________ fluid volume related to kidney failure, excessive IV fluid and excessive fluid intake
out put of 30 mL per/hr times a 12 hour shift should equal 360 mL minimum
Urine output
Fluid Sources and Losses:
Ingested liquids - Biggest source
Food - Amounts depends on type of food intake
By-product of metabolism
Fluid Sources and Losses:
Sensible losses - Urination, Defecation, Wounds
Insensible losses, Evaporation through skin, Water vapor during respiration
Fluid homeostasis normally functions automatically and effectively
Body fluid homeostasis
Almost every organ and system in the body helps in some way to maintain fluid homeostasis
Body fluid homeostasis