Sensorimotor Stage
- Spanning the first two years of life.
- Infants and toddlers "think" with thier eyes, ears, hands and other sensorimotor equipment
a organized way of making sense of experience. Changes with age.
process of building schemes through direct interaction with the environment
that part of adaption in which the external world is interpreted in terms of current schemes
That part of adaption in which new schemes are created and old ones adjusted to produce a better fit with the environment
internal rearrangemtn and linking together of schemes so that they form a strongly interconnected cognitive system
circular reaction
a means of building schemes in which infants try to repeat a chance event caused by their own motor activity
intentional/goal directed behavior
a sequence of actions in which schemes are deliberately combined to solve problems
object permanance
the understanding that objects continue to exist when they are out of sight.
A-not-B Search Error
The error made by 8 to 12 month olds who after an object has been moved from hiding place A to hiding place B, search for it incorrectly in the first hiding place (A)
mental representation
internal depictions of information that the mind can manipulate
deferred imitation
the ability to remember and copy the behavior of model who are not present
a type of play in which children pretend, acting out everyday and imaginary activities
Violation of expectation method
a method in which researchers habituate infants to a physical event and then determine whether they recover to (Look longer at) an expected event (A variation of the new first event that conforms to physical laws) or an unexpected event (a variation that violates physical laws). Recovery to the unexpected event suggests awarness of that aspect of physical reality
core knowledge perspective
A perpective that states that infants are born with a set of innate knowledge systems, or core domains of thought, each of which permits a ready grasp of new, related information
mental strategies
in information processing, procedures that operate on and transform information, thereby increasing the efficinecy and flexibility of thinking and the chances that information will be retained
sensory register
the part of the mental system in which sights and sounds are represented directly and stored briefly before they decay or are transferred to working memory
working/short term memory
the part of the mental system where we activity "work" on a limited amount of information, applying mental strategies to ensure that it will be retained.
central executive
the conscious part of working memory that directs the flow of information through the mental system by deciding what to attend to, coordinating incoming information with information already in the system, and selecting, applying, and monitoring strategies.
Long term memory
the part of the mental system that contains our permanent knowledge base
the simplest form of memory, which involves noticing whether a new experiuence is identical or similar to a previous one
the type of memory that involves remembering something without perceptual support
infantile amnesia
the inability of most people to recall events that happened to them before the age of 3
autobiographical memory
represenation of special on time events that are long lasting because they are imbued with personal meaning
zone of proximal development
- Vgotsky theory.
- A range of tasks that the child cannot yet handle along but can accomplish with the help of more skilled partners
intelligence quotient
A score that reflects and individuals performance on an intellifence test compared with the performances of other individuals of the same age
the practice of giving an intelligence test to a large, representative sample which serves as the standard for interpretating individual scores
normal distribution
a bell shaped distribution that results which individual differences are measured in large samples
developmental quotient
A score on an infant intelligence test, computer in the same manner as an IQ but based primarily on perceptual and motor responses
Home observation for measurement of the environment (HOME)
A checklist for gathering information about the quaity of childrens home lives through observation and parental interview
developmentally appropriate practice
research based standard devised by the National association for the education of Young Children that specify program characteristics that meet the developmental and indiidual needsof young children of varying ages
language acquisition device (LAD)
In Chomsky's theory, an innate system that contains a universal grammar, or set of rules common to all languages, that permits chidren to understand and speak in a rule-oriented fashion as soon as they have learned enough words
broca's area
structure located in the left frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex that supports grammatical processing and language production
Wernicke's area
a structure located in the left temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex that plays a role in comprehending word meaning
pleasant vowel like noises made by infants. beginning aorund twom months of age
repetition of consonant-vowel combinations in long strings, beginning aorund six months of age
joint attention
a state in which child and caregier attend to the same object or event and the caregiver comments on what the child sees
an early vocabulary error in which a word is applied too broadly, to a wider colletion of objects and events than is appropriate
an easly vocabulary error in which a word is applied too broadly, to a wider collection of objects and eents than is appropriate
telegraphic speech
toddlers two-word utterances that like a telegram omit smaller and less important words
in language development the words and word combinations that children use
in language development, the words and word combinations that children understand
referential style
a style of early language learning in which toddles us language mainly to label objects
expressive style
a style of early language learning in which toddlers use language mainly to ralk about their own feelings and needs and those of other people, with an emphasis on social formulas and pronouns
child directed speech (CDS)
a form of language adults use to speak to young chuldren, consisting of short sentences with high pitched, exagerrated expression, clear pronunciations, distict pauses between speech sefments, clear gestures to support verbal meaning, and repetition of new words in a variety of contexts