elbow structure and motions
- consists of:
- bones
- humerus
- radius
- ulna
joint structure and motions
- elbow joint
- humeroulnar joint
- humeroradial joint
- forearm
- proximal radioulnar joint at elbow
- head of radius pivots within the radial notch of ulna
- distal radioulnar joint distal end of radius rotates around the distal end of ulna
- radioulnar joint:
- Uniaxial pivot joint
- pronation/supination
- radius moves around ulna
- Ulna locked in by boney shape at proximal end
Carrying angle
anatomical position
longitudinal axes of humerus and forearm form an angle
angle tends to be greater in women than in men
angle occurs becuz distal end of humerus is not level
joint shapes
- 2 convex areas
- trochlea/ulna
- capitulum/radius
- Ulna-concave
- radius/concave
end feels
soft tissue appr/muscle bulk
firm/soft tissue stretch-muscle and ligament
hard(boney)-contact betrween radius and ulnar
Open chain
concave radial and ulnar slide on the humerus in same direction as the motion of the forearm
humeroulnar joint
- uniaxial
- 1o freedom
- flexion/extension in sagittal plane
hinge joint
- ROM: 0o-145o
- uniaxial joint
- resting position
- 70o/,10o supination
- closed pack position(walker, walking on your hands)
- full/with supination
ligaments and other structures
- capsule
- keeps laeral side of joint from separating when stressed
- attaches to humerus, radius, and ulna
- medial collateral
- provides medial stability
- lateral collateral
- provides lateral stability
- annular
- holds radius against the ulna
interosseous membrane
- broad flat membrane
- keeps radius and ulna together
- serves as a muscle attachment
- radioulnar articulations held together by:
- annular ligament
- interoseous membrane
muscles of elbow and forearm
- brachialis
- brachioradialis
- biceps
- supinator
- triceps
- anoconeus
- pronator teres
- pronator quadratus
elbow flexion
- o-distal half of humerus
- I-coronoid process & ulnar tuberosity of ulna
biceps brachii
commonly called biceps
- two heads
- O-long-supraglenoid tub of scapula
- O-short-coracoid process scapula
I-radial tuberosity or radius
- elbow flexion
- forearm supination
most effective in supination when forearm is at 90o flex
moment arm greatest at 90o
ex: cork screw. unscrews(supination) and then pulls(flexion)
- elbow flexion
- O-humerus(brachii)
- I-radius
Elbow extension
- 3 heads-
- I-Long,infrag tub scapula
- I-later-inferior,greater humerus
- I-medial,posterior humerus
O-olecranon ulna
assists elbow extension
keeps triceps from being pinched during extension
pronator teres
forearm pronation
pronator quadratus
- O-distal una
- I-disal radius
- O-humerus/ulna
- I-proximal radius
summary of muscle action
- anterior
- elbow flexors
- brachialis
- biceps brachii
- brachioradialis
- forearm -supinator
- biceps brachii
- supinator muscle
- posterior
- elbow extensor
- triceps
- forearm pronators
- pronator teres
- pronator quadratus
- Wrist Flexionflexor carpi radialis
- flexor carpi ulnaris
wrist extension
- extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis
- extensor carpi ulnaris
radial deviation
flexor carpi radialis - extensor carpi radialis longus
- Ulnar deviation
- extensor carpi ulnaris
- flexor carpi ulnaris
force couple to move the radius
supinator and biceps muscles work together to:
move the radius around the ulnar to produce supination from a pronated position
wrist joint structure
- radiocarpal joint
- proximally: distal end of radius and radioulnar disk
- distally: scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum
- distal radio-ulnar joint
- synovial
- condyloid joint
- biaxial
- flexion-extension
- radial-ulnar deviation
wrist joint
2 joints
radiocarpal and midcarpal
- between 2 rows of carpal bones
- contributes to wrist motion
- irregular shape
- plane joints
bones and landmarks
bones of the wrist
short bones arranged in an arch
- concavity on the anterior(palmar surface)
- convexity on posterior side
arch contributes to thumb's ability to oppose
these concavities and convestities are important features to understand for splinting
bones and landmarks
- styloid process
- disal, lateral radius, attachment for collateral ligaments
- hook of the hamate-anterior surface hamate
- transverse carpal ligament attachment
bones and landmakrs
- medial epicondyle
- common flexor tendon attachment
- lateral epicondyle
- common extensor tendon attachment
- suprcondylar ridge
- extensor carpi radialis longus attachment
ligaments and other structures
- flexor retinaculum
- transverse carpal-(more distal) arches over the carpal bones and forms a tunnel for the flexor tendons and median nerve
the one usually cut to relieve 5x of CTS
palmar carpal-(more proximal) functions to prevent tendons on this side of the wrist from pulling away from the wrist during wrist extension
muscles of the wrist
- **common proximal attachment
- wrist flexors-medial epicondyle
- wrist extensors-lateral epicondyle (most)
distal attachment for all wrist muscles is a metacarpal
names of the muscles tell their action and their side
example: flexor vs extensor, ulnaris vs radialis
carpi means wrist
summary of WRIST muscle action
- flexion
- flexor carpi radialis
- flexor carpi ulnaris
- extension
- extensor carpi radialis longus
- extensor carpi radialis brevis
- extensor carpi ulnaris
- radial deviation(combination of a flexion and an extensor)
- flexor carpi radialis
- extensor carpi radialis longus
- ulnar deviation(combination of flex/ext)
- flexor carpi ulnaris
- extensor carpi ulnaris
summary of muscle innervation
- posterior muscle
- radial nerve
- anterior muscles lateral aspect
- median nerve
- anterior muscles medial aspect
- ulnar nerve
articular disk
shock abosrber
the hand
distal end of the upper extremity
- composed of:
- thumb
- fingers
- metacarpals
- phalanges
useful and versatile, complex
joints and motions of the thumb
3 joints
- carpometacarpal (CMC)
- trapezium articulating with first metacarpal (MC)
- modified biaxial
- flexion/extension
- abd/add
- opposition
- ***the movements originalte from the CMC joints
- metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
interphalangeal (IP)
Biaxial because reposition is returned to anatomical position and opposition is a combo of flex, abd with accesory rotations
joints and motions fo the fingers (2-5)
- fingers
- digit 2-5(little finger)
- joints
- carpometacarpal
- metacarpophalangeal-MCP
- proximal-interphalangeal-PIP
- distal interphalangeal-DIP
arches of the hand
palm assumes a cupped position, when hand is relaxed
- arches-support the arches
- proximal carpal arch
- distal carpal arch
- longitudinal arch
muscles of the thumb and fingers
- extrinsic-originate outside the hand
- proximal attachment
- proximal to the wrist
- assistive role in wrist function
- primary function at the thumb(pollcus) or fingers
- Intrinsic-all taking place in the palm of the hand
- proximal attachment at or distal to the carpals
- for fine motor control and precision movement of the hand
- function at the thumb or fingers
- can be further divided into:
- thenar
- hypothenar(below, little finger)
- palm
profundus-all the way to the finger tips
in. produces a pulley action
palmar interossei muscles-adduction, inbetween bones on palm
dorsal interossei-abduction
Functional Position of the Hand
*** optimal position of strength and precision
wrist-20 to 30
MCP and IP joints are slightly flexed
- Thumb in opposition
- maintenance of the thenar web
The act of taking hold, seizing or grasping an object for functional use
the act of taking hold, seizing or graspiong an object for functrional use
Types of Prehension
- power grasp
- cylindrical grasp
- sperical grasp
- disc grasp
- hook grasp
- lateral pinch
- 3-jaw chuck
- tripod grasp
- pincer grasp
power grasp
holding hammer
usually involves a significant amount of force
most powerful grip
fingers flexed around an object in one direction, the thumb the opposite
moved about by move proximal point musculature