Cardiac- peds

  1. What medications have been associated with congenital heart defects?
    • Accutane
    • Lithium
    • Anti-seizure
  2. Heart defects usually occur during the _______ trimester.
    First (develop within first 8 weeks)
  3. CXR showed cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary flow, and ECG demonstrated ventricular hypertrophy. What defect would you suspect?
    Ventricular septal defect
  4. Which intervention is highest priority post cardiac cath procedure?
    Monitor for bleeding
  5. What discharge teaching is needed post cardiac catheterization?
    Avoid tub bath for 48-72 hours
  6. Prostaglandin E is usually given with which type of cardiac defect?
    Coarctation of the aorta (Prostaglandin E to maintain PDA open)
  7. What signs and symptoms are present with older children with CHF?
    • Activity intolerance
    • Dyspnea
    • Abd pain or distention
    • Peripheral edema
    • Poor weight gain
    • Low urine output
  8. What medications would you give in management of CHF?
    • Preload/afterload (ACE inhibitors- Captopril, Enalapril)
    • Contractility (Digoxin)
    • Diuretics (Lasix, thiazides, spironolactone)
    • Iron
    • Antibiotics
  9. What procedure would bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis be recommended for?
  10. What are the nursing considerations when administering Digoxin (Lanoxin)
    • SE: weakness, HA, n/v, arrhythmias
    • Monitor for apical pulse, hold if <100 for infants
    • GIven before feedings (oral dose)
    • Therapeutic range (1-2 ng/mL)
    • Monitor potassium levels
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Cardiac- peds