what is amniocentesis?
is the procedure in which small amount of amniotic fluid is removed by passing a needle through the abdominal wall.
what is flagellation?
whiplike movement (of the sperm)
what is a blastocyst?
the embryotic form that is a spherical mass of cells having a central fluid-filled cavitiy surrounded by 2 layers of cells
Chorionic Villi
tiny vascular protrusions on the chorionic surface that project into the maternal blood sinuses of the uterus and help from the placenta
What is Morula?
developmental stage of the fertilized ovum in which there is a solid mass of cells resembling a mulberry
What is implantation?
embedding of the fertilized ovum in the uterine mucosa
What is Etopic Pregnancy?
implantation occurs outside of ther uterine cavity
What is Villi??
short vascular processes or protrusions growing on certain membranous surfaces
What is Ectoderm?
outer layer of embyonic tiusse giving rise to skin, nails, and hair
What is Endoderm?
the innermost of the cell layers; from the endoderm arise the lining of cavities and passages of the body and the covering of most internal organs
What is mesoderm?
embryonic middle layer of germ cells giving rise to all types of muscles, connective tissue, bone marrow, blood, lymphoid tissue and all epithelial tissue.
What is a Teratogenic Agent?
any durg, virus, or irradiation that can cause malformation of the fetus
What is Wharton's Jelly?
a gelatinous tissue that remains when the embryonic body stalk blends with the yolk sac within the umbilical cord.
What is Lanugo?
downy, fine hair characterisitc of the fetus between 20 wks of gestation and birth; most noticable over the shoulders, forehead, and cheeks but found on nearly all parts of the body except for the palms, soles of feet.
What is an Ultrasonography?
High frequency sound waves are used to visualize the fetus. this can be used to monitor gestational age, monitor fetal growth, determine the number of fetuses and the location of the placenta, estimate the volume of amniotic fluid, and not the presence of anomalies.
What is antepartal?
the first portion of the maternity cycle. (from the Latin root ante, "before" and parere, "to bring to bear". also referred to as the prenatal period. This period begins with conception and ends with the onset of labor.
What is the Intrapartal period?
the next portion following the antepartal period, this period begins with the onset of labor and ends with the delivery of the placenta. Also referred to as the "perinatal" period, because it pertains to the time surrounding and the process of giving birth.
What is postpartal?
this is the final stage of the maternity cycle. this period starts after the delivery of the placenta and lasts for approx 6 wks or until the reproductive organs returun to the prepregnancy state.
What is Hegar's Sign?
The softening of the segment between the fundus and the cervix.
Goodell's Sign
an increase pliability and a softening of the cervix
this may be used at approx 16-18 wks, a technique that involves palpating the uterus in such a way that the reboung of the floating fetus is felt by the examiner's finger.
indicates a pregnant woman, from the Latin root "gravidus", means heavy.
derived from the Latin root, "para" mean "to bring forth", denotes the number of births
is the craving and eating of substances that are not normalliy considered edible
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
severe form of morning sickness, that may last longer than the 4th month
"the mask of pregnancy", is an irregular darkening of the cheeks, forehead, and nose
Striae Gracivarum
stretch marks, are reddish wavy streaks that can apprear on the thighs, abdomen and breasts.
Spider Nevi
a branched growth of dilated capillaries on the skin
Palmar erythema
reddened palms
excesssive body hair in a masculine distribution pattern as a result of heredity, hormonal dysfunction, or meds