Hydration Management (3)
- Promotion of adequate fluid balance
- Prevents complications resulting from abnormal or undesirable fluid levels
- Water: an essential part of nutritional requirements, functions in the body include:
- thermoregulation
- Dilution of water-soluble medications
- facilitation of renal and bowel function
- creating and maintaining metabolic processes.
Risks factors for dehydration (7)
- Physical or emotional illness
- surgery
- trauma
- conditions of higher physiologic demands
- diminished thirst sensation
- medications
- environmental constraints
Assessment (6)
- Prevention is essential
- Clinical signs may not appear until dehydration is advanced
- attention to risk factors
- skin turgor should be assessed at the forehead
- elevated sodium, elevated serum osmolarity, and BUN/creatinine ratio
- Urine color
Interventions (2)
- Oral hydration
- Rehydration methods: intravenous, hypodermoclysis (inj of fluid into subq tissue to supply the body with liquids quickly.
Bladder function: Normal bladder function requires..
- An intact brain and spinal cord
- competent lower UT function
- motivation to maintain continence
- functional ability to recognize voiding signals and use a toilet
- environment that facilitates the process
Age-related changes in bladder function
- Decreased capacity
- increased irritability
- altered cueing (cued when bladder already 80% filled)
- Contractions during filling
- incomplete emptying
Urinary incontinence
- The involuntary loss of urine sufficient to be a problem
- A stigmatized, underreported, under diagnosed, under treated condition that is erroneously through to be part of normal aging.
Urinary incontinence: prevalence, consequences
- Prevalence:
- Affects an estimated 200 million adults worldwide
- 75%-80% are female
- Prevalence increased with age and functional dependency
- Consequences:
- Affects quality of life and has physical, psychosocial, and economic consequences
- Loss of dignity, independence, and self-confidence, as well as feelings of shame and embarrassment
Urinary Incontinence risk factors (8)
- Cognitive impairment
- limitations in daily activities
- institutionalization
- stroke
- diabetes
- obesity
- poor general health
- comorbidities
Urinary incontinence types (2)
- Transient: sudden onset, present for 6 months or less, usually caused by treatable factors
- Established: either a sudden or gradual onset, categorized into the following types (urge, stress overflow, functional, mixed, and reflex and total incontinence)
Implications (interventions 2)
- Behavioral -
- scheduled voiding
- promted voiding
- bladder training
- biofeedback
- pelvic floor muscle exercises
- Lifestyle modifications:
- dietary factors (increased fluid, avoidance of caffeine)
- weight reduction
- smoking cessation
- bowel management
- physical activity
Interventions (4)
- Urinary catheters: intermittent catheterization, continuous indwelling catheter, external catheters (condom catheters)
- Absorbent products
- Pharmacological
- Surgical
Fecal or Bowel Incontinence (3)
- Continuous or recurrent uncontrolled passage of fecal material for at least one month
- Transient or persistent
- Devastating social ramifications for the individuals and families.
Assessment: complete client history
- Stool consistency and frequency
- use of laxatives or enemas
- surgical and obstetrical history
- medication
- effect on quality of life
- focused physical exam with attention to the gastrointestinal system
- bowel record
Interventions (7)
- Environment manipulation (access to toilet)
- Diet alterations
- habit-training schedules
- improving transfer and ambulation ability
- sphincter training exercises
- biofeedback
- medication and or surgery to correct underlying defects.
Application of maslow's heierarchy
Meeting elimination needs is basic to the maintenance of biological and physiological integrity.
- May cause:
- Excess disability
- insecurity
- social isolation
- curtailment of meaningful activities and relationships
- inability to achieve a meaningful and fulfilling life
Age related sleep changes (9)
- More time spent in bed awake before walling asleep
- Total sleep time and sleep efficiency are reduced
- awakenings are frequent, increasing after age 50 (>30 minutes of wakefulness after sleep onset in >50% of older subjects)
- Daytime napping
- Changes in circadian rhythm *early to bed, early to rise)
- Sleep is subjectively and objectively lighter
- Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is short, less intense, and more evenly distributed.
- Freq. of abnormal breathing events is increased
- Freq. of leg movement during sleep is increased
Sleep disorders (2)
- Insomnia:
- Sleep-onset insomnia
- Sleep-maintenance insomnia
- Nonrestorative sleep
- Sleep Apena:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
- -- A disorder characterized by repetitive cessation (>10 seconds) of respiration during sleep
Restless Leg Syndrome (4)
- A sensorimotor neurologic disorder
- Characterized by the uncontrollable need to move the legs
- Often accompanied by discomfort in the legs
- Other symptoms: Paresthesias, creeping sensations, crawling sensations, tingling, cramping, burning sensations, pain
Assessment (3)
- Sleep habits should be reviewed with older adults in all settings
- Evaluate: how well the person sleeps at home, how many times the person is awakened at night, what time the person retires, what rituals occur at bedtimes
- Sleep diary or log
Interventions (3)
- Pharmacological treatment
- nonpharmacological interventions
- promote good sleep habit
Activity (3)
- Activity is a direct use of energy in voluntary and involuntary physical and mental ways
- Alter the microenvironment and macroenvironment of the individual
- Even a small amount of time can improve health.
Application of maslow's heirarchy of activity
- Sleep and activity needs must be met:
- 1. maintain biological integrity
- 2. meet higher-level needs as safety and security, belonging and attachment, self-esteem and self-efficacy, and self-actualization and transcendence
Xerosis (4)
- Extremely dry, cracked, and itchy skin
- Occurs primarily in the extremities
- Exposure to environmental elements contributes to skin dryness and dehydration
- Dry skin may be just dry skin, but it may also be a symptom of more serious systemic disease.
Pruritus (3)
- A symptom, not a diagnosis or disease
- A threat to skin integrity because of the attempts to relieve it by scratching
- Aggravated by perfumed detergents, fabric softeners, heat, sudden temp changes, gentle touch, pressure, vibration, electrical stimuli, sweating, restrictive clothing, fatigue, exercise, and anxiety.
Seborrheic Keratosis
- A benign growth that appears mainly on the trunk, face, neck, and scalp as single or multiple lesions found especially in men
- AA waxy, raised, verrucous lesion, flesh-colored or pigmented in varying sizes
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
- A viral infection frequently seen in older adults
- Peak incidence occurs between ages 50 to 70
- Immunosupprressed elders and those with histories of chicken pox are at greatest risk
- Always occurs along a nerve pathway or dermatome
Photo Damage of the Skin
- Most common causes of skin damage and skin cancer
- Damage comes from prlonged exposure to environmental ultraviolet light or that received in tanning booths
- Much of the associated damage is preventable
- Preventive measures should begin in childhood.
Actinic Keratosis (3)
- A precancerous lesion which may become a squamous cell carcinoma
- Directly related to years of overexposure to UV light
- characterized by rough, scaly, sandpaper-like patches, pink to reddish-brown on an erythematous base
Basal Cell Cacinoma
- Most common malignant skin cancer
- Slow-growing and metastasis is rare
- precipitated by extensive sun exposure, especially burns, chronic irritation, and chronic ulceration of the skin
- Usually begins as a pearly papule with prominent telangiectasis (blood vessels) or as a scare-like area where no history of trauma has occurred
Squamous Cell Carinoma
- The second most common skin cancer
- Aggressive and has a high incidence of metastasis if not identified and treated promptly
- More prevalent in fair-skinned, elderly men who live in sunny climates
- Usually found on the head, neck, hands
- Lesion begins as a firm, irregular, fleshy, pink-colored nodule that becomes reddened and scaly, much like actinic keratosis
Melanoma (5)
- A neoplasm of melanocytes
- the least common skin cancer
- high mortaliy rate because of its ability to metastasize quickly
- classical, multicolor, raised appearance with an asymmetrical, irregular border
- Treatable if caught very early before it has a chance to invade surrounding tissue.
ABCD Rules of Melanoma
- Asymmetry: One half does not match the other half
- Border irregularity: The edges are ragged, notched, or blurred
- Color: The pigment is not uniform in color, having shades of tan, brown, or black, or a mottled appearance with red, white, or blue areas
- Diameter: The diameter is greater than the size of a pencil eraser or increasing in size
Implications for xerosis and pruritus
- The nurse attends to environmental prevention and treatment and provides expert care of the skin
- cream to all skin after bathing -- always
Pruritus: goal is to reduce and hopefully alleviate the itching
Implications for Cancer and Herpes Zoster
- Cancer: prevention and early recognition and treatment of skin cancers
- Herpes Zoster:
- Provide emotional support during the outbreak and education regarding reducing secondary infections and cross-contamination
- Pain control
Pressure ulcers (4)
- Localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue
- Usually over a bony prominence
- Result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and or friction
- Can develop anywhere on the body
Key aspects of assessment of a pressure ulcer
- Location and exact size
- condition of the surrounding tissue
- condition of the wound edges: for example, smooth and white or irregular and pink
- wound bed: warmth, moisture, color, odor, amount, and color exudate
Assessment (3)
- Detailed head to toe skin examination - braden scale-assessment of risk of development
- Analysis of laboratory findings
- ulcers are assessed during each dressing change for worsening: PUSH tool
Interventions (2)
- Goal of nurses is to help maintain skin integrity against the various environmental, mechanical, and chemical assaults that are potential causes of skin breakdown
- Nurses focus on prevention through any measure that relieves pressure to the vulnerable joints and bony prominences.
Common Foot Problems (2)
- Many foot problems occur because of the shoes we wear to protect them, wear and tear, and misuse of feet
- Foot health and function may reflect systemic disease or give early clues to physical illness.
Fungal Infections
- May affect the skin of the foot as well as the nails
- Nail fungus, onychomycosis
- Characterized by degeneration of the nail plate with color changes to yellow or brown, and opacity, brittleness, and thickening of the nail
- Fungal infection of the foot
- - Tinea pedis (athlete's foot)
yellowing, crumbling, and thickening of the toenails
Feet implications (4)
- advocate for promoting the best foot health possible
- care should be directed toward optimal comfort and function, removing possible mechanical irritants and decreasing the likelihood of infection.
- assess the feet for clues to well-being and functional ability
- referral to the podiatrist if foot assessment warrents