Lab Results

  1. List normal values for ABG
    • pH 7.35-7.45 (venous 7.31-7.41)
    • Pco2 35-45 (venous 40-50)
    • HCO3 22-26
    • Po2 (arterial) 80-100 mmHg (venous 40-50)
  2. What are (lab values and) common causes of respiratory acidosis?
    • pH < 7.35
    • Pco2 >45
    • HCO3 Normal
    • Respiratory depression (drugs, CNS trauma). Pulmonary disease (pneumonia, COPD, respiratory underventilation)
  3. What are (lab results and) common causes of respiratory alkalosis?
    • pH >7.45
    • Pco2 <35
    • HCO3 Normal
    • Hyperventilation (emotions, pain, respiratory overventilation)- CO2 is blown off and decreases CO2 levels. pH is inversely proportional. As Pco2 levels rise, brain is usually stimulated to start breathing
  4. What are (lab results and) common causes of metabolic acidosis?
    • pH < 7.35
    • pCO2 Normal
    • HCO3 <22
    • Diabetes, shock, renal failure, intestinal fistula, diarrhea
  5. What are (lab results and) common causes of metabolic alkalosis?
    • pH >7.35
    • Pco2 Normal
    • HCO3 > 26
    • Sodium bicarbonate overdose, prolonged vomiting, NG drainage
  6. What is body's mode of compensation for respiratory acidosis?
    Kidneys will retain increased amounts of HCO; to increase pH
  7. What is body's mode of compensation for respiratory alkalosis?
    Kidneys will excrete increased amounts of HCO3; to lower pH
  8. What is body's mode of compensation metabolic acidosis?
    Lungs blow off CO2 to raise pH
  9. What is body's mode of compensation for metabolic alkalosis?
    Lungs retain COs, to lower pH
  10. What does Po2 measure and what are common causes of decreased Po2?
    • Indirectly measures O2 content of arterial blood.
    • 1. Pts unable to oxygenate arterial blood bc of O2 diffusion difficulties (pneumonia, shock lung, congestive failure)
    • 2. Patients with whom venous blood mixes prematurely with arterial blood (congenital heart disease)
    • 3. Patients who have underventilated & overperfused pulmonary alveoli (pickwickian syndrome, ie obese patients who can't breathe properly when supine or patients with atelectasis)
  11. What could increased serum calcitonin indicate?
    Thyroid abnormalities- increased secretion of calcitonin levels despite hi Ca blood levels

    Oat cell carcinoma, pancreatic cancer, breast carcinoma- cancers can produce calcitonin

    Hyperparathyroidism- associated with high serum calcium levels

    Pernicious anemia, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

    Alcoholic cirrhosis and Thyroiditis
Card Set
Lab Results
Lab results & blood work interpretation