
  1. The Uncle Tom
    • - Submissive, Subservient
    • - Never questions authority
    • - Would do w/e asked of them regardless of treatment
    • - Forever devoted to masters
  2. Coon
    • - Lazy, good for nothing
    • - Used traits to escape work
  3. Mulatto
    • - Fair or light skinned black person
    • >could pass for white
    • - Characterized as juxtaposed between two worlds and rejected by both.
    • - Confused with identity
  4. Mammy
    • - Assertive, Aggressive, Dominant, Subservient
    • - Large, Dark Skinned
    • - Often protrayed as having no sex appeal; asexual
  5. Black Buck
    • - aka Brutal Black Buck
    • - Black male who is something to be feared
    • - "Big Bad Niggas" as they lust for white flesh
    • > defined by masculinity and sexuality
  6. D.W. Griffith
    Director of Birth of a Nation(1915)
  7. Birth of a Nation
    • - 1915
    • - Based on the book The Clansman by Thomas Dixon
    • >about KKK, two families divided b/c of civil war
    • - 3 hour film
    • - Played for 12 yrs after release
    • - Introduced: night photography, moving camera shots, split screes, Iris is/Iris out, and dynamism(3-D)
  8. What was the REACTION to Birth of a Nation?
    • - NAACP gathered to prohibit the film
    • - People protested the film
    • - Riots took place (bricks)
    • - Police beat women protesters
    • Whites: Jane Adams and Charles Elliot denounced the film
  9. What are some MYTHS about Birth of a Nation?
    • - Only black people reacted to the film
    • - The beginning of black protest began with this film
    • - All the black characters in the film were in black face
    • - If preserved, it cannot persuade contemporary views on race.
  10. Thomas Cripps
    • Scholar
    • - Hollywood stopped making films for black audiences because blacks protested them
  11. Clyde Taylor
    • Scholar
    • - Criticizes the cinematic achievement because it does not hide the racism
  12. Anthony Appiah
    • Scholar
    • - sometimes racism can be shown without intention because of the superficial way it is represented.
  13. The Lincoln Film Company
    • - George and Noble Johnson
    • Film company started by two brothers in response to the offensive representation of blacks in Birth of a Nation
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