1. BVM 90-100% at 10-15LPM
    • NRB 60-90% at 10-15LPM
    • NC 25-30% at 2-6LPM
  2. Thoracic Trauma
    • - tracheal deviation
    • - Asymmetrical movement
    • - Neck veins distended
    • - Abnormal breath sounds
    • - Shock
    • - Subcutaneous emphysema
    • - chest wall contusion / open wounds
    • - Cyanosis, chest pain, SOB
  3. Open pheumothorax
    • - open chest wound, air enteres into plural space, squishes lung to collapse, then possible tension pneumothorax
    • - Hypoxia
    • - shallow breathing
    • - guarging wound
    • initial=hand on wound
    • secondary=3 sided occlusive dressing
  4. Flail Chest
    • - 3+ ribs broken in 2+ places in succession
    • - paridoxical motion
    • - SOB
    • - guarding
    • - pulse up
    • - BP up
    • Watch out for pulinary contusion / Hemothorax / pneumothorax
  5. Tension Pneumothorax
    • - Lungs popped, air fills plural space and begins to push on other chest cavity organs
    • - SOB, fast and shallow
    • - Breath sounds diminished
    • - JVD
    • - tracheal deviation
    • - Tacypnea
    • - Anxiety
    • - Dyspnea
  6. Massive Hemothorax
    • - Blood fills the plural space
    • - anxiety and confusion
    • - neck veins flat = hypovolemia
    • - breath sounds decreased
    • - Shock
  7. Cardiac Tamponalde
    • - blood fills the sac around the heart
    • -Becks Triad (hypotension, neck veins distended, heart sounds muffled)
    • - peridoxical pulse
    • - breath sounds equal
    • Watch out for hemothorax and pneumothorax
  8. Myocardial Contusion
    • - blunt chest injury
    • - similar to MI and Angina
    • Watch for cardiac tamponalde, hemothorax and pneumothorax
  9. AAA and Tramatic Aortic Rupture
    • - MVC's and falls from height (90% immidiate death)
    • - scene size up and history is extremely important
    • (no obvious sign of chest trauma, hypertension in upper extremities
  10. What is shock?
    Inadequate perfusion of tissues
  11. What are the 4 causes of shock?
    • - pump problem (heart)
    • - fluid volume issue
    • - air exchange issue
    • - Vascular system issue
  12. What are the 2 types of shock?
    • Compinsated - Body is trying to fix itself
    • Decompinsated - Body gives up
  13. Signs and symptoms of Compinsated shock?
    • - thirst
    • - diaphoresis (sweaty)
    • - Breathing fast
    • - fast pulse
    • - periferal pulses weakened
  14. Signs and symptoms of decompinsated shock?
    • - Altered mental status
    • - Acidosis (less O2in body makes it acidic)
    • - Leads to cardiac arrest
  15. What can we do for people with shock?
    • - take care of bleeding
    • - give O2
    • - Shock position
    • - Rapid transport
    • - Cardiac monitor
    • - Ongoing exam every 5 minutes
  16. What Are the Vital signs all FF's must know?
    • - Pulse
    • - BP
    • - Respirations
    • - Pupils
    • - LOC
    • - SPO2
    • - Skin
    • we dont check but we should know:
    • - BGL
    • - EtCO2
  17. What 7 places can we check the patients pulse?
    corodid (neck), breakeal (bicep), radial (wrist), femorial, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibialis
  18. What is the normal pulse range for an adult, child and infant?
    • Adult - 60-100
    • Child - 80-120
    • Infant - 120-140
  19. What is EtCO2?
    - the amount of Co2 being exhaled
  20. What is the normal range of EtCO2?
  21. How does EtCO2 help you?
    • It tell you during CPR if you are:
    • - If the EtCO2 reads high, speed up ventilations (hyperventilation)
    • - If the EtCO2 reads low, slow down ventilations (hypoventilation)
  22. SpO2 is...
    How many O2 is sticking to the hempglobin in the blood.
  23. What is the range of SPo2 readings?
  24. What are the two substances that will give your SPO2 a false reading?
    - carbon monoxide and cyonide
  25. How do you check LOC?
    • AVPU - Alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive
    • Orientation - Name, time, place, event
    • A + O X 3
  26. What is the BP normal range?
    100/76 - 140/90
  27. What are you checking on the skin?
    Temperature, condition, colour
  28. What does it mean if the pupils are not even or reactive?
    - swelling in your head. Possible head trauma.
  29. What is the normal temperature of a human?
    - 36.9 or 98.6 degrees
  30. What is a normal BGL?
    - 4-8
  31. Name a few Cardiac issues?
    • Trauma
    • - aortic disection, Cardiac Tamponade, Hypovolemia, Cardiac Contusion,
  32. Medical
    • - Miocardial Infarction, AAA Abdominal Aortic anuerizm, Angina, Ateriosclerosis,
    • Congestive Heart Failure, Stroke, Trans ischemic attack, Sepsis, Pericarditis.
  33. What is an MI?
    • - Miocardial Infarction
    • - death of tissue surrounding the heart
  34. What are some signs and symptoms of an MI?
    • - Pain (clutching of the chest)
    • - Reffered Pain (radiating) to the left arm, shoulder jaw.
    • - Rapid Breathing, and increased heart rate.
    • - irregular Pulse
    • - Described like bad indigestion
  35. What two things make you think MI?
    • 1. pain or discomfort in the chest/left arm/neck
    • 2. SOB
  36. Angina?
    • A temporary blockage around the heart, (fake MI)
    • MI is imminant (sooner or later), take to hospital
  37. Stroke?
    Blockage around the brain (MI of the brain)
  38. TIA?
    • Temporary blockage around the brain.
    • Stroke is imminant (sooner or later), take to hospital
  39. CHF?
    • Conjestive heart failure (Fluid in Lungs)
    • - usually smokers with COPD
    • - do not lay them down
  40. Sepsis?
    • - blood infection throughout body
    • - look like shit and stink
  41. Aortic Dissection?
    • Tearing of Aorta due to trauma
    • trauma version of Abdominal Aortic anurism
    • - good pulse above heart, poor pulse below heart
  42. Cardiac Tamponade
    • - sqeezing of heart due to swelling
    • - JVD is apparent
  43. How many compressions:breaths for 1 Rescuer Adult CPR.
    - 30:2
  44. How many compressions:breaths for 2 Rescuer Adult CPR.
    - 30:2
  45. How many compressions:breaths for 1 Rescuer Child CPR.
    - 30:2
  46. How many compressions:breaths for 1 Rescuer Infant CPR.
    - 30:2
  47. How many compressions:breaths for 2 Rescuer Child CPR.
    - 15:2
  48. How many compressions:breaths for 2 Rescuer Infant CPR.
    - 15:2
Card Set
Overview of important notes as of Oct. 9