S.S. Final 7th Grade

  1. official who rules an area in the name of a king or queen
  2. a fort housing soldiers in the Spanish colonies
  3. to move from one place to another
  4. willingness to let other practice their own beliefs
  5. person who learns a trade/craft from a master craftsmaster
  6. laws stating how the colonies should be ruled and organized
    Laws of the Indies in 1573
  7. French missionary who explored the Mississippi River
    Jacques Marquette
  8. first Europeans to sail down Mississippi to Gulf of Mexico through Mississippi Valley and named it Louisiana
    Robert La Salle
  9. when food ran out in Jamestown
    starving time
  10. Puritan minister who thought the government should have limits and in Connecticut
    Thomas Hooker
  11. Protestant reformers who settled in PA for religious freedom
  12. the trade route of slaves, guns, and molasses
    the Triangular Trade
  13. first European to sail the Great Lakes
    Samuel De Champlain
  14. opened a printing shop in 1728 at the age of 22
    Benjamin Franklin
  15. Virginia senator
    John Smith
  16. banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony for holding bible meetings
    Anne Hutchinson
  17. governor of New Netherland in mid-1600s
    Peter Stuyvesant
  18. founded Georgia in 1732
    James Oglethorpe
  19. James Oglethorpe, William Penn, Roger Williams, and Lord Baltimore all had what in common?
    all founded a colony
  20. laws regulating trade between England and its colonies (1716)
    Navigation Acts
  21. the first house of representatives elected by male settlers in Virginia
    House of Burgesses
  22. agreement signed by Pilgrims before they landed at Plymouth (1620) to work together
    Mayflower Compact
  23. relied on fishing, trading, and ships
    New England Colonies
  24. relied on farming and called the Breadbasket Colonies
    Middle Colonies
  25. relied mainly on the farming of tobacco
    Southern Colonies
  26. ocean trip from Africa to the Americas where thousands of slaves died
    Middle Passage
  27. Where were the first schools established?
    in Massachusetts
  28. In New England, who thought that land should be bought from the Indians, not taken
    Roger Williams
  29. Which colony was settled by the Dutch?
    New York
  30. to refuse to buy certain goods or services and is a good way to harm the economy
  31. to cancel
  32. where two-thirds of the Senate must approve a treaty
  33. the shutting off of a port by ships to keep people or supplies from moving in or out
    a blockade
  34. nation in which voters elect representatives to rule
  35. an imaginary line settlers could not cross
    Proclamation of 1763
  36. colonists had to provide housing, candles, bedding, and beverage to British soldiers
    the Quartering Act
  37. the first constitution of the U.S.
    Articles of Confederation
  38. Sherman's plan of two senators a state and a certain amount of representatives by population
    Great Compromise
  39. the first 10 amendments giving people basic rights
    the Bill of Rights
  40. British got all of Canada and lands east of the Mississippi
    the Treaty of Paris in 1763
  41. a group formed to protest British policies to protect colonial liberty
    the Sons of Liberty
  42. during this, people dressed as Mohawks who dumped tea in the Boston harbor
    the Boston Tea Party
  43. choses the president
    electoral college
  44. Who has the power to declare war?
  45. first major battle of the Revolution
    Bunker Hill
  46. a pamphlet by Thomas Paine which convinced many colonists to the idea of of independence
    Common Sense
  47. set up a government, provided a way for territories to apply as states, and outlawed slavery there
    the Northwest Ordinance
  48. removing the president is an example of
  49. ban on trade with another country
  50. person who invests in a risky venture in the hope of making a large profit
  51. precedent
    act/decision setting an example that others follow
  52. people who invest in businesses to make a profit
  53. a tax on foreign goods to prevent foreign competition
    protective tariff
  54. proclamation that the U.S. would not support any European warfare
    Neutrality Proclamation
  55. claim that a state could say a federal law was unconstitutional and not follow it
    the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
  56. a treaty that only stopped the War of 1812 and did nothing else
    the Treaty of Ghent
  57. revolution in the way goods are produced
    the Industrial Revolution
  58. program with high tariffs and internal improvements to help every part of the U.S. economy
    the American System
  59. when France tried to force the U.S. to pay them to stop seizing American ships when John Adams was president
    XYZ Affair
  60. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court known for his Marbury vs. Madison decision
    John Marshall
  61. the brother of Tenskwatawa, who was the profit; he was the spokesman
  62. proposed the American System
    Henry Clay
  63. What were the causes of the War of 1812?
    revenge on Britain for seizing their ships and an excuse to conquer Canada
  64. a young Spanish rebel officer (a liberator)
    Simon Bolivar
  65. who said that "power should be split among citizens"
    Thomas Jefferson
  66. statement from Monroe saying that the U.S. would not interfere with European affairs and colonies or the other way around
    the Monroe Doctrine
  67. right to vote
  68. give up land
  69. add on territory
  70. withdraw
  71. person who wants to end slavery in the U.S.
  72. worst economic crisis under Van Buren and ended his career
    Panic of 1837
  73. resigned from Vice Presidency when Jackson stated that he would not support states' rights
    John C. Calhoun
  74. commanded the Texas army
    Sam Houston
  75. invented the cotton gin
    Eli Whitney
  76. quite womens' rights speaker who used logic to win supporters
    Lucretia Mott
  77. woman who worked to improve mental hospital's conditions and was the supervisor of nurses during the Civil War
    Dorothea Dix
  78. laws that controlled slaves and denied them basic rights
    Slave Codes
  79. marked beginning of womens' rights movement
    Seneca Falls Convention
  80. group that set up a colony in Africa for African Americans
    the American Colonization Society
  81. the journey of Cherokee west
    the Trail of Tears
  82. who owned Oregon
  83. trade unions were formed by
    skilled workers
  84. the Texas battle cry
    "Remember the Alamo"
  85. said slavery was legal in th territories, black weren't citizens, and that slaves were property
    the Dred Scott Decision
  86. where California entered as a free state and the slave trade ended in D.C.
    the Compromise of 1850
  87. leader of the Radical Republicans in the house
    Thaddeus Stevens
  88. commander of Union troops during the Civil War
    Ulysses S. Grant
  89. allowed the Confederates to surrender at Appomatax
    Ulysses S. Grant
  90. Confederate general who helped them win Bull Run and where he got his nickname
    Stonewall Jackson
  91. wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe
  92. a freed slave
  93. when the value of money falls and the price of goods rise
  94. to set free
  95. to allow each territory to decide on the matter of slavery through voting
    popular sovereignty
  96. loyalty to a state or section rather than to the whole country, caused by slavery
  97. Republicans who opposed President Johnson
    Radical Republicans
  98. plan to rebuild the South was called the
    Reconstruction Plan by the Radical Republicans
  99. constitutional amendment banning slavery in the U.S.
    the Thirteenth Amendment
  100. turning point of the Civil War
    the Battle of Gettysburg
  101. Lincoln's declaration freeing all the slaves in the rebel states
    Emancipation Proclamation
  102. Union's goal in the West
    to take the Mississippi River
  103. Goal of the Confederacy
    to fight a defensive war
  104. effects of Lincoln's election on the South
    South thought that their say in government was disappearing and seceded
  105. three Confederate victories
    • Bull Run
    • Chancellorsville
    • Fredericksburg
  106. date of John Brown's raid
  107. Gettysburg Address date
  108. when the Confederacy was formed
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S.S. Final 7th Grade
S.S. Final 7th Grade