Week 1 Study Guide Intro to Pastoral Counseling.csv

  1. What is the biblical basis for all Christians being able to counsel?
    NT terms for counseling are addressed to all Christians
  2. What are the NT terms for counseling?
  3. What does parakaleo mean?
    "to come alongside
  4. Name a verse that uses parakaleo?
    1 Thes. 5:11
  5. What does didasko mean?
  6. What does noutheteo?
    "to stick in someone's mind/spear; admonish
  7. Name a verse that uses noutheteo
    Rom. 15:14
  8. What does elencho mean?
  9. What does epitimao mean?
  10. What is the main goal of NT counseling?
  11. Couselin g is an essential part _______________.
  12. Name two verses stating the main goal of counseling.
    "Gal. 6:1
  13. What is the context for NT counseling?
    Christian community
  14. Name 4 counseling models.
  15. What is the background of the Dynamic model?
  16. What are the presuppositions of the Dynamic model?
    "humans are organisms
  17. What does healing look like in the Dynamic model?
    need to heal of past trauma by drawing out subconscious sources
  18. what are the Scriptural compatibilities of the dynamic model?
    depravity--can't understand why I'm doing what I do (Rom. 7); category for mental illness; sometimes not at fault for damage; past effects present; ppl capable of evaluative thinking
  19. what are the scriptural imcompatibilities of the dynamic model?
    we are moral agents (Rom. 3:23); we are not essentially one way that can't be changed--not fated
  20. What is the background of the Moral model?
    "Jay Adams
  21. What are the presuppositions of the Moral model?
    wrong actions lead to wrong feelings and attitudes
  22. Evaluate the presuppositions of the moral model.
    true but don't know why you do what you do; legalistic: what about internal sins that aren't an action?
  23. What does healing look like according to the Moral model?
    do the right thing
  24. What are the scriptural compatabilities of the moral model?
    self-control is fruit of the spirit; admonishing is loving (but that's all they do); blessed (happy) if you do these things
  25. what are the scriptural incompatabilities of the moral model?
    discounts deeper causes (Jer. 17:9); deals w/external bh only
  26. what is the background of the relational model?
  27. what are the presuppositions of the relational model?
    designed to love & be loved; human problems are defensive attempts to handle fear; our reactions damage relationships more
  28. what does healing look like in the relationsal model?
    "identify false beliefs
  29. what are the scriptural compatabilities of the relational model?
    "total depravity
  30. what are the scriptural incompatabilities of the relational model?
    "over-reliance on ""feel the pain""; don't need to dwell on past in order to experience healing (but past is significant); Crabb has silly exegesis at times; unaquainted w/healthy Body Life"
  31. What are the main points in teaching the relationships chart?
    1. understand the primacy of love; 2. God's part vs. our part in learning & practicing it; 3. where love requires deliberate action; 4. Love is rooted in God & his Word; 5. love defines Christian ethics & spiritual life
  32. what are the basic qualities of love?
  33. What distinction does 1 Pet. 1:22 make?
    phileo vs. agape: God gives us affection for others (indicative) & we need to sacrifice for others (imperative)
  34. What is 1 Cor. 16:14 about?
    love requires deliberate action
  35. name a verse about the primacy of love
    1 Tim. 1:5
  36. what is 1 John 4:16 about?
    "love is rooted in God & His Word
  37. name a verse that says love defines Christian ethics
    Gal. 5:14
  38. name 2 verses that say love defintes spiritual life
    "1 Jn. 4:12
  39. Describe the common experience of a casual relationship
    "occasional contact
  40. describe the common experience of a close relationship
    "planned time
  41. describe the common experience of an intimate relationship
    "extensive time commitment
  42. describe the personal inner workings of a casual relationship
    "a general knowledge
  43. describe the personal inner workings of a close relationship
    "promote potential
  44. describe the personal inner workings of an intimate relationship
    "completely opten
  45. describe the emotions of a casual relationship
    "real warmth
  46. describe the emotions of a close relationship
  47. describe the emotions of an intimate relationship
    "affection often
  48. how can the relationships chart be applied?
    1. identify problem area; 2. appropriate God's power in these areas; 3. deepend a relationship by bringing it to the next level
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Week 1 Study Guide Intro to Pastoral Counseling.csv
LTC 5 Week 1