darle la real gana
to feel like doing something
tener ganas de
to feel like doing something
hacer alarde de
to show off
agua corriente
la corriente electria
cuenta corriente
- normal
- running water
- electricity
- checking account
pasar rápido el tiempo
to pass the time quickly
martar el tiempo
to kill the time
hacer mal tiempo
to have bad weather
la conferencia
the lecture
to collect
tarjeta de deportes
sports cards
ir de camping
to go camping
botiquín de medicinas
first aid kit
outdoors, the elements, bad weather
to entertain
reír a carcajadas
to split one's side laughing
seats, ticket window
disco de vinilo
vinyl record
tocar un instrumento
to play an instrument
buscar aventuras
to look for adventures
cazar perdices
to hunt partriges
dar una caminata
to go for a long walk
esbozar dibujos
sketch drawings
hacer una cadena de flores
to make a flower chain
ir a una fiesta
to go to a party
jugar al boliche
to play bowling
jugar al escondite
to play hide n go seek
jugar a la rayuela
leer tiras cómicas
read comic strips
montar en bicicleta
to ride a bike
to start, to up root, to tear out
to check, to see
dreamlike, surreal
tener placer estético
to look good
ir de camping
to go camping
aprecia el medio ambiente
apreciate the environment
jugar al ajedrez
to play chess
tabla y pieza
board and piece
tejer un suéter
to weave a sweater
aguja e hilo
needle and thread
regalarle algo a alguien
gift something to someone
montar a caballo
ride on a horse
riendas y bocado
reins and bit
aliviar el estrés
to alleviate stress
participar en el tiro al arco
participate in archery
arco y flachas
bow and arrows
evitar a aburrimiento
to avoid boredome