_____ died of cancer in 1951, but biologist have kept her cancer cells alive ever since.
Henrietta Lacks
In five minutes our bodies will produce __________ new cells.
10 billion
produces three different types of RNA molecules
Information flows from DNA to RNA during ______ and from RNA to protein during ______
- transcription
- translation
RNA differs from DNA in that it contains the sugar _____ and the base _______
The jumping genes that can move around the genome and sometimes inactivate other genes
A virus that infects bacterium is called a ________
Viruses that break open and kill their host cells upon release are called ________ viruses
Viruses that use reverse transcriptase are called _____
In addition to the nucleus, what other organelles contain DNA?
- Mitochondria
- Chlorophasts
- both B and C
The greatest difference between ancient and modern biotechnology methods is the _______
- level of precision
- rapidity with which organisms can be altered
- the ability to transgress species boundaries
The enzyme ______ can link together two pieces of DNA from different sources to produce recombinant molecules
DNA ligase
Transgenic pigs, cows, and sheep are created by adding engineered genes
to an externally fertilized zygote
The hereditary disorder ________ results in the production of abnormal red blood cells
Sickle cell anemia
List, in the correct order, the phases of mitosis
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Which of the following is not a benefit of sexual reproduction?
Increased genetic diversity
Energy conservation
Greater likelihood that some offspring will survive
Greater chance the species can survive in a changing environment
Energy conservation
Which of the following are haploids?
Somatic cells
All of these
Hybrids are of what genotype?
When examining a single gene, what is the predicted genotypic ratio in the F2 generation if two F1 hybrids are crossed?
In a testcross, an individual of unknown genotype is crossed with an individual of which genotype?
Homozygous recessive
A mutation in which a segment of DNA is flipped 180 degrees
After DNA replication
Each DNA molecule is composed of one parent and one daughter strand (semiconservative)
During DNA replication, what enzymes links the individual nuclotides together to form the new DNA strands?
DNA polymerase
What role does DNA ligase play in making recombinant DNA?
It joins the DNA fragments together
Which of the following would a researcher use to cut eukaryotic DNA at a particular sequence?
Restriction enzyme
For a gene to be expressed in all cells in an animal, the transgenes is put into
The zygote
Which of the following has a major effect on phenotype?
Amount of noncoding DNA
Length of RFLPs
- Environment
- Genotype
- Both B and C
Which of the following would be considered a chromosomal mutation?
- All of the above
- Duplication
- Deletion
- Translocation
- Inversion
A lytic infection differs from lysogenic viral infection in that ONLY the lytic does the virus ________
Ruptre the cell soon after infection
If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms ______
Growth of the zygote would be halted
Mitosis would be suffcient
Gametes would be haploid
The chromosome number would double in each generation
Eggs would be haploid, but sperm would be diploid
The chromosome number would double in each generation
Through meiosis
- alternate forms of genes are shuffled
- parental DNA is divided and distributed to forming gametes
- the diploid chromosome number is reduced to haploid
- offspring are provided with new gene combinations
- all of the above
Crossing over
Alters the composition of chromosomes and results in new combinations of alleles being channeled into the daughter cells
Which organisms did Mendel utilize to work out the laws of segregation and independent assortment?
The garden pea
A testcross involves
an F1 hybrid and an organism that is homozygous recessive for that trait
The major advantage of sexual reproduction to the population of an organism over asexual reproduction is that ______
Sexual reproduction produces greater genetic diversity
When an organism has two different alleles of the same gene it is said to be
The operation of natural selection depends upon the fact that _______
Some individuals have a better chance to produce more offspring
Atificial selection occurs when _______
Humans determine which organism will survive
Some dogs have erect ears; others have drooping ears. Some dogs bark when following a scent; others are silent. Erect ears and barking are homozygous for both domninat traits is mated to a droopy-eared,silent follower. The phenotypic ratio expected in the F1 generation is _______
100 percent of one phenotype
Normal cervical cells---nucleus is small
Pre-cancerous cevical cells---nucleus is larger
Cancerous cevical cells---nucleus is largest
- the cell copies its DNA then divides in two
- allows growth and cell replacement in multicelled organisms and creates new individuals in single-celled organisms
- before cell division, it copies DNA
In 1889, the German bilogist _______ insisted that the nucleus contained the hereditary material which he called the ______.
- August Weismann
- germ plasm
We can describe the process of cell reproduction in terms of the three Ms
- Materials---the small molecules that carry energy or serve as building blocks
- Machinery---the organelles and macromolecular structures needed to carry on cellular processess including DNA
- Memory---the information contained in the nuclear DNA
Before a cell divides it usually double its _____
- materials
- machinery
- memory
Weismann wrote, Heredity is brought about by the transference from one generation to another, of a substance with a definite...molecular constitution
How do prokaryotic (no nucleus) cells divide
- Binary fission
- DNA that is formed in a closed loop
Bacteria divide by binary fission in a process that does not involve mitosis
Homologous chromosomes
pairs of matching chromosomes
After the first growth phase (G1) the DNA doubles (S). The cell then increases materials (G2) in prepartion for the seperation of identical chromatids (mitosis) and the seperation of the two daughter cells (cytokinesis.)
Each member of the chromosomes pair
1. mitosis---the division of the nucleus
2. cytokinesis---the division of the cytoplasm and formation of two seperate plasma membranes
3. interphase---the time when the DNA replicates and the cells grow
Cell Cycle
Interphase includes three parts
- G1, the gap or growth phase, between the completion of M and the beginning of DNA synthesis
- S, the period of DNA synthesis when a cell copies its chromosomes
- G2, the gap between the completion of DNA synthesis and the beginning of M
- one of the two seperate but connecte bodies that make up a chromosomes at the beginning fo mitosis, when the chromosomes first become visible
- a chromatid contains a single long molecule of DNA
the two chromatids are joined at a strech of DNA
The uncoiled chromosomes replicate.
The chromosomes condense and the nuclear membrane breaks up
The chromosomes line up along a central plane of the cell and the asters become visible
Spindle fibers pull the chromatids to opposite ends of the cell
Two new nuclear membranes appear, the asters disintegrate, and the chromosomes uncoil, again becoming invisible
Microtubles ________
- ______
- _______
- ________
- Proteins that help out with microtubles are actin and myosin
hollow tubes made of the protein tubulin
the last phase of mitosis, the mitotic apparatus breaks down. The chromosomes unwind, and the distinctive bar or string shapes are no longer visible with a microscope
splitting of cells
1. the movement of the chromosomes toward the equator to form the metaphase plate
2. the movement of the separated chromatids toward the poles
3. the movement of the spindle poles away from each other during prophase and again during anaphase
The major players are the microtubles
Microtubles move the chromosomes by attaching to the chroatids and growing or shortening
- A set of small, positively charged proteins
- Aid of specialized proteins----the most adundant of which is histones
- Most cells have five types of histones
Two wraps of DNA and a length of DNA linking to the next bead
Chromosome banding
a striped pattern visible in a light microscope because dyes darken each band a little differently
Animal cells actin filaments form a contractile ring that pinches the cytoplasm in two. In plant cells telophase includes the building of new cell membranes and cell walls between the two daughter cells
1. The cells stop dividing during G1 when they run out of free space on which to spread, that is, when neighboring cells all touch each other
2. cells that have proceeded beyond G1 begin to divide when contact with their neighbors ceases
Contact inhibition
1. In cell cultures, normal cells divide until they form a single, continuous layer of cells, then stop.
2. If we scrap a "wound" in this monolayer of normal cells, cells from the edge move into the open space and divide until the wound is filled
3. Normal cells stop dividing when they come into contact with other cells
4. Cancer cells do not self regulate in this way Instead they conintue to divide even after they come into contact with other cells, piling up on top of one another
cells produce daughter cells (eggs and sperm) with only half the normal number of chromosomes
The study of inheritance
Transmission genetics
the study of how variation is passed from one generation to the next
Molecular gentics
the study of DNA carries genetics instructions and how cells carry out these instructions
encompasses both physical and behavioral characterstics
Particular collection of genes of a cell or organisms
Four important points underlie the universiality of genetic inheritance in eukaryotes
- 1. All cellular organisma use DNA as the genetic material
- 2. The DNA of all eukaryotic organisms is organized into chromosomes
- 3. Almost all chromosomes exist in pairs at some time during a sexual life sycle
- 4. These pairs of chromosomes behave in the same ways during meiosis and at fertilization
Phenotypic plasticity
frogs eating each other then growing lungs
Cells that contain paired sets of chromosomes
An organism that reproduces sexually passes the half-set of chromosomes to its offspring in specialized reproductive cells
Each gamete is haploid that it carries a single set of chromosomes----in humans 23
or ferilization, the union of the two haploid gametes (one from each parent) to form a single diploid cell called a Zygote
Crossing over
At the very beginning of meiosis, during prophase I, homologous chromatids pair up in synapis. While they are paired up, the chromatids may break at places called chiasma and exchange equivalent pieces. The result is new combinations of genes on each chromatid
All kids can be different because of crossing over
Down Syndrome
- Extra chromosome Number 21
- Has 47 instead of 46
Trisomy 21
The presence of three rather than two, copies of chromsome 21
Occasionally separation of homologous in anaphase I and chromatids in anaphase II fails to occur
Down syndrome
a disorder that leads to mental retardation and the abnormal development of the face
The X and Y chromosomes are called sex chromosomes. The rest of the chromosomes are called autosomes.
A human cell has 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes
Alternate versions of the same gene
A human cell has 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes
44 autosomes chromosomes
2 sex chromosomes
46 total
species in desert that has no males--only females
Chemidophorus by parthenogenesis
Female lays deployed egg basically cloning
- If an individual has two copies of the same alleles
- TT tt
- If an individual has two different alleles of a gene
- Tt
Cross breeding
method of breeding two genetically distinct organisms
Gregor Mendel
father of genetics
when it alone determines the phenotype of a heterozygote
The seven traits of peas
- Seed shape
- Pod shape
- Seed color
- Pod color
- Flower color
- Flower position
- Stem length
when it contributes nothing to the phenotype of a heterzygote
monohybrid cross
only concerned with one trait
Incomplete dominance
both alleles are expressed
Pea flowers carry both male and female parts
Principle of segregation
Each sexually reproducing organisms has two genes for each characterisic; these two genes segregate (or seperate) during the production of gametes
Instead of allowing F1 heterozygotes to self-pollinate, he crossed them with the homozygous recessive stock
Principle of independent assortment (proven false later)
Each pair of genes is distributed independently from every other pair during the formation of the gamtes
Walter Sutton's six rules of inheritance
- 1. Chromosomes come in pairs. One chromosomes comes from the mother and one from the father. We now call these "homologous" pairs
- 2. Synapsis is the pairing of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes. These pairs seperate into different daughter cells during meiosis
- 3. The chromosomes are not broken down and created anew during each cell cycle
- 4. The chromosomes carry genes
- 5. Meiosis createsnew combination of genes in each generation. During meiosis either homolog may end up in either new cell, reguardless of the way all the other homologous chromosomes divide. The accounts for Mendels's principle of segeration
- 6. Each chromosome carries a different set of genes, and all of the genes on one chromosomes are inherited together. That different chromosomes are inherited independently accounts for Mendel's principle of indeperdent assortment
Crossing over is the physical exchange of material between homologous chromosomes.
The chance that any two genes on a chromosome will recombine is proportional to the physical distance between them
Four bases:
- Purines: Adenine (A) and Guanine (G)
- Pyrimidines: Cytocine (C) and Thymine (T)
Sugar-phosphate backbone
HA oxidase (Homoaxidary Acid)
Enzyme that helps breaks down HA
inherited disease that causes urine to turn black when parents were first cousins
Only 1st set of chromsomes
George Beadle and Edwared Tatum chsoe to study a simple fungus, the pink bread mold Neurospora
Their work suggested that every gene somehow affects the function of a single enzyme
Sickled and standard red blood cells
- 1 in 165 have two copies of the allele and have the disease
- RBC live 120 days
- SBC live 40 days
Sickle cells have resistance against malaria
75% protected
25% unprotected
Sickle cells comes from the cresent of sickle shape of the red blood cells
Phages are a kind of virus that infect bacteria. Viruses are assemblies of protein and DNA capable of forcing host cells to make more viruses
Life cycle of a phage
- 1. Phage attaches to surface of bacterium
- 2. Phage injects its DNA into bacterium
- 3. DNA inside bacterium
- 4. Phage DNA directs host cell to produce new phage proteins and phage DNA
- 5. Complete, mature phages assemble
- 6. Cell wall bursts, releasing 100 to 200 new phages
Viruses never have both DNA and RNA---they have one but not both
In the Hershey-Chase experiment, radioactive DNA from a phage shows up inside the infected bacterium. Radioactive protein stays outside. This 1952 experiment finally convinced bilogist that DNA not prtein, was the gentic material (later work showed that a few viruses use RNA as their genetic material)
According to this model, DNA replication is semiconservatice. That is half of each parent molecule is present in each daughter molecule. Each new DNA molecule is really only half old and half new
(proven wrong)
DNA replication is semiconservative; when DNA replicares, each half of the double helix acquries a new mate
At one time the biologist thought that DNA replication was conservative. Both halves of the old molecule stayed together while the whole new molecule was created.
In fact DNA replicates, each half of the old double helix acquires a new mate.
3 enzymes that replicate DNA
- 1. Helicase
- 2. Polymerase
- 3. Ligose
DNA polymerase
approaches RNA primer and replaces with DNA
DNA ligase
- connects Okazaki fragments
- Biological glue
Not a double helix but circular DNA
Replication of DNA
Replication begins at the origin of replication then works in both direction around the circle
Cellmatic--changes just in the cell
Somatic--gentic material is unchanged
Permanent changes in DNA
The cause of mutations
Radiation kills genes
Occationally mutations occur because DNA polymerase places the wrong nucleotide in a sequence during the synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle
- Increase the rate of mutations.
- Ultra-violet light, high-energy radiation such asa x-rays and many chemicals can all act as mutagens
Point Mutations
- Change one or several nucleotide pairs.
- 1. Base Substitutions
- 2. Insertion
- 3. Deletion
Chromosomal Mutations
- Change relativiely large regions of chromosomes
- 1. Deficiencies
- 2. Translocations
- 3. Inversions
- 4. Duplications
- 5. Polyploidy
Base Substitution
The replacement of one base (nucleotide) by another
The addition of one or more nucleotides
The removal of one or more nucleotides
Deletions that are larger than a few nucleotides
In which part one chromosome is moved to another chromosome
In which a segment of a chromosome is flipped 180 degrees
In which part of a chromosome appears twice
Polyploidy (aneuploidy)
Chromosomes have doubled but cytokenisis didnt happen and there was no cell division
The presence of three copies of a certain chromosome
Healthy cells are quick to repair damaged DNA
- 1. Damage caused by UV light
- 2. Damage is removed by enzyme
- 3. DNA polymerase creates a new sequence
- 4. DNA ligase seals the nick
A group of three nucleotides that specifies a single amino acid within a polypeptide
Genetic Code
- Clearly specifies which nucleotide sequences correspond to which amino acid sequences
- A language with 20 amino acid letters
The genetic code is also said to be universal
- because all eukaryote orgainisms use the same code.
- For example, when globin RNA from rabbit red blood cells is added to wheat germ cells, the wheat cells make rabbit globin, demonstrating that wheat cells and rabbit cells use the same genetic code to translate RNA into protein
The protein making machinery of wheat plant can synthesize blood proteins normally found only in rabbits
Francis Crick
Central dogma of molecular biology: DNA specifes RNA which specifies proteins
DNA specifies RNA which specifies protein. DNA in the nucleus is transcribed into RNA. Outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm, ribosomes traslate RNA into polypeptides.
In prokaryotes, which lack a nucleus, both transcription occur in the cytoplasm
Messenger RNA (mRNA)
this is what The RNA copy of the information from DNA is composed of
Transfer RNAs
The mRNA codons bind to the tRNA not to the amino acid its self
1. Transcription
2. Messenger
3. Transfer
- 1.messenger- info to ribsome
- 2. ribosomes- works with ribosomes
- 3. transfer- brings amino acids to sight of ribosomes
DNA -----________-----RNA------________--------Polypeptide
- Transcription
- Translation
Transcriptional control
when cells increase or decrease the amount of mRNA transcribed from the DNA
Translational control
A cell varies the rate at which it translates different mRNA
Barbara McClintock
discovered Transposon
- to describe these genes that jumped around the genome
- "jumping genes"
- Point mutations
Mobile Genes
genes that move around
can exist as simple loops of DNA sparate from the host cell's DNA--usually in prokaryote or yeast cells---that pass from cell to cell
an assemblage of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and proteins
Viruses come in many shapes
Protein coat
Surround the gentic material
Life of a Bacteriophage
- 1. Phage attached to surface of bacterium
- 2. Phage injects its DNA into bacterium
- 3. DNA is inside bacterium
- 4. Phage DNA directs host cell to produce new viral proteins and DNA
- 5. Complex, mature phages assemble
- 6. Cell wall bursts, releasing 100 to 200 new phages
The life of a phage
A phage attached to the surface of its bacterial host and injects its DNA inside. The host cell transcribes and translated the phage genes to make more phages, which eventually burst from and kill the host cell
Viruses have two ways to duplicate
- 1. Autonomous replication
- 2. Intgrated replication
Autonomous replication
the genes are separate from the DNA of the host cell and can replicate even when the host DNA is not replicating
Integrated replication
The genes become integrated into the hosts DNA and are replicated along with those of the host
Viruses and plasmids that switch back and forth between integrated and autonomous replication
A small piece of circular DNA or RNA in a bacterial or yeast cell that included from 3 to 300 genes
Two bacteria temporarily attach to one another and exchange genetic meterial
These genes encode an enzyme that makes the cell reisistant to an antibiotic
Enzyme which inserts the transposon into new places
complex transposons
lie near each other on the host genome, they jump together carrying with them any genes that lie between them
Viruses that cause tumors are a special case
tumor viruses multiply only when their eukaryotic host do
DNA tumors viruses integrate thier DNA into the DNA of eukaryotic cells. Then disrupt the cell cycle forcing t=infected cells into excessive cell division resulting in growth of a tumor
Lytic Cycle
DNA is separate from that of its host a lyses its host
The prophage and the lytic cycle together make up the viral ___________
Lysogenic cycle
Lysogenic cycle
- 1. Phage DNA enters host cell
- 2. Phage DNA integrates into host cell DNA
- 3. Phage DNA replicates along with bacterial DNA
- 4. Cycle repeats
Lytic Cycle
- 1. Bacterium makes new phage DNA and protien
- 2. Bacterium assembles new pages
- 3. Cell burst releasing new phages
Reverse transcriptase
Copies RNA into DNA
T cell
HIV virus bind to T cell and only cell in body
How retroviruses reproduce
- 1. Retrovirus membrane fuses with host cell membrane
- 2. Viral coat breaks up
- 3. Reverse transcriptase makes complementary single strand of DNA
- 4. Host cell makes complememtnray copy of DNA which integrates into host cell DNA
- 5. Host cell transcribes viral DNA into mRNA
- 6. Host cell translates viral RNA into viral proteins
- 7. Viral proteins and RNA assemble
- 8. Host cell releases new retrovirus
Over evolutionary time, viruses could have evovled either from free-living cells or from transposons
AZT increases the number of proteins in the body so ammune sstem stays normal
Mitochonria and cholorplast which have their own DNA separate from the nuclear DNA evolved when a prokaryote ancestor came to live in symbiosis with another cell. The gentic systems of mitochondria and chloroplasts differ from those in both eukaryotic nuclear DNA and in prokaryotes suggesting that these organelles have an ancient and separate origin