- is a systematic study of right and wrong donduct in situations that involve issues of values and morals.
- It is a formal process for making logical and consistant moral decisions.
- Rooted in the legal system and reflects the political values of a society
- refers to private, personal, or group standards of right and wrong
- Moral behavior: is behabior that is in accordance with custom or tradition and usually reflects personal or reliious beliefs.
Code of Ethics for Nurses
- It is a succinct(kratkii) statemtn of the ethical obligations and duties of every individual who enters the nursing profession.
- It is the profession's nonnegotiable ethical standard
- It is an expression of nursing's own understanding of its commitment of soceity
- application of ethical prniciples to healthcare
- Nursing ethics: is a subset of bioethics. It refers to ethical questions that arise out of nursing practice. Questions that have to do with the nurse's actions, not the actions of others.
What is the difference between personal values and professional values?
- ● Personal values are those that are part of your own value system that you have chosen. These may include money, friendship, scholarship, or fairness.
- ● Professional values
are those you acquire through socialization into nursing—from teachers, peers, learning, and experiences. - Ex of professional values:
- Altruism -acting for the benefit of others regardless of the consequences for oneself
- Autonomy - the right to self-determination - to choos and act on that choice. Every competent person has the right to decide his own course of action.
- Human dignity
- Integrity - acting with accordance with an appropriate code of ethics and accepted standars of practice. Includes honesty
- Social Justice
- Other professional values: caring, diversity, equality, esthetics, freeom, truth, service, education, holis, competence, escelence, loyalty.
How your own personal values can influence client care?
If you are clear about your values, you will be more able to make good decisions and to avoid imposing your values on others. Becuase each person has his own unique values set, it is important that you appreciate how others' values influcen their decisions. Clarifying values should be a positive process of growth that results in more awareness, empathy, and isnight.
ANA Code of Ethics
- provision 3: The nurse promore, advocates for and strives to protect the htealth, safety and rights of the patient.
- page 1098 box 44-1 9 provisions of ANA code of ethics.
- Be accountable and competent
- use informed judgment
- Maintain exmployment conditions conducive to quality patient care
- Protet the client from misinformation and misrepresentation
- Collaborate with other healthare professions to meet the patient's healchare needs
ICNE code of ethics
- a quide for ation based on social valies and needs
- the code stresses respect for human rights including cultural rights the right to life and choice, the right to dignity, and right to be treated with respect. The code is sedigned to guide nures in everyday choices, and it supoports their refusla to practicipate in activities that conflict with caring and healing.
What is the role of an Ethics Committee in a healthcare insitution?
- ● Write guidelines and policies
- ● Provide education and counseling
- ●
In the case of ethical dilemmas, review the case and provide a forum for the expression of the diverse perspectives of those involved
CUrrent ethical issues in healthcare and thenursing implications
- AIDS - right ti privacy, care, allocation of resources
- Abortion - support autonomy of the women
- Allocations of healthcare goods and services - few RNs working , more assistive personal. You will need to prioritize continually and look for ways to be as efficient as possible.
- Confidentiality and Pivacy
- End-of-Life...
6 Element of Ethical Agancy
- Sensibility - when you apply sendards, ask does this make sence, does it apply
- Ethical responsiveness - refers to the ability and willingness to respond to the ethical challenge
- Ethical reasoning - reasoning not based on your own opinion, YOu got ethial prnciples what you work off of to reason out the situation
- Ethical leadership - somebody needs to be a leader to benefit patient care, look at the bigger picture.
- Ethical caracter - being true to yourself and your personal values and professional code of ethics.
6 Ethical Principles
- Autonomy
- NonMaleficence
- Beneficence
- Fidelity
- Veracity
- Justice
person's right to choose and ability to act on that choice. respect to human dignity.
to do no harm, and to prevent harm
duty to do or promote good, remove harm. Know resources, ex. social worker, dietition, attempt to deal with patient needs. Taking positive action to help others.
Fidelity or faithfulness
agreement to keep promices. not making promicess that you can't keep.
nurses duty to tell the truth. BUt in difficult situations don't be streight forward, choose your wording carefully. Ex. "you fatehr is ver ill, but we will do evertying we posible can for him" instead of he has a fatal illness.
is the obligation to be fair. Equal treatment for all patients
How to preocess an ethical delemma:
- Ethical delemma: is a situation in which a choice must be made bwetwwen two eaually undesirable actions.
- Use Moral Delemma:
- M - massage the Dilemma - identify the issue in the dilemma
- O - outline the options, pros and cons for each one of those choices
- R - Resolve the Dilemma by using the framework, Autonomy, Beneficene and Nonmaleficence, Fedility, Ceracity
- A - act by applying the chosen options.
- L - look back and Evaluate