Found in the:
found in :
- intercalated discs
- cardiac muscle
Found in the:
- pseudostratified, cillated
- trachea
Found in the:
found in the:
- Keratinized squamous
- sole of the foot
found in the:
- nonkeratinized squamous
- vagina
found in the:
- pseudostratified cilliated
- trachea
found in the:
found in the:
- simple columnar
- small intestine
found in the:
- simple squamous
- small intestine
found in the:
- transitional epithelium
- kidney
found in the:
found in the:
- stratified cuboidal
- sweat gland
found in the:
- Hyaline cartilage
- bronchus
found in the:
- elastic (blueish color on lab slide)
- external ear
found in the:
found in the:
- fibrocartliage
- intvertebral disc
found in the:
found in the:
found in the:
found in the:
found in the:
- smooth muscle
- intestinal wall
found in the:
- smooth muscle
- intestinal wall
Name 2 fxns of epithelia tissue:
absorbtion, secretions
name one type of fibrous connective tissue:
what surface of an epithelial tissue faces the lumen?
name one location where you would find simple columnar epithealial tissue
the three types of fibers found in connective tissue are elastic, collagen, and:
name the fxn of transititonal epithelium
which type of connective tissue has canaliculi, lacunae, and haversian canals?
nervous tissue contains neurons and what other type of cell?
glial cells
Name one location where you would find hyaline cartilage?
Name the outer most layer of the epidermis:
stratum corneum
what is the smooth muscle associated with hair that contracts in respons to fear and cold?
what type of gland secretes a watery perspiration and has ducts that lead to the skin surfaces?
meroicrine gland
which layer of the integument is also known as subcataneous fat?
list the features of the radius:
- head
- radial tuberosity
- styloid process
- ulnar notch
list the features of the ulna
- coronoid process
- olecranon process
- trochlear notch
- styloid process
- radial notch
- head
list the features of the ilium:
- iliac crest
- iliac fossa
- iliac spines (4)
- auricluar surface
list the features of the ischium:
- iscial spine
- ischial tuberosity
- ischial ramus
list the features of the tibia:
- medial condyles
- lateral condyles
- tibial tuberosity
- medail malleoulus
- anterior crest
list the features of the fibula:
list the joints of the arm
- glenohumeral
- humeroulnar
- humeroradialproximal
- raioulnardistal radioulnar
list the features of the ribs
- head
- neck
- tubercle
- angle
- shaft
- costal groove
- costal cartilage
list the joints of the vertebral column and thorax
- atlanto-occipital
- atlantoaxial
- intervertebral
- vertebrocostal
- sternocostal
list the features of the clavicle: