Genus: Euglena
- Phylum: Euglenophyta
- 2 flagella
- Eyespot (stigma)
- Contractile vacuole
- Chloroplast
- Pyrenoid--round area within the plastid that may be associated with paramylon synthesis
- Paramylon--carbohydrate storage product
- Pellicle--helically arranged striations which appear beneath the plasma membrane
- Phylum: Bacillariophyta
- Unicellular or colonial organisms of both fresh and marine waters
- "The algae that live in glass houses)
- Pennate--bilaterally symmetrical
- Centric--radially symmetrical
Genus: Anabaena
- Cyanobacteria
- Heterocyst
- Akinete
Genus: Nostoc
- Cyanobacteria
- Colonial
- Consists of many filaments within a gelatinous or colloidal matrix
Genus: Oscillatoria
- Cyanobacteria
- Filamentous
- Hormogonia--means of vegetative reproduction
Genus: Saprolegnia
- Phylum: Oomycota (the water molds)
- Saprophitic
- Oogonia--female gametangia
- Antheridia--male gametangia
Puccinia graminis
- Phylum: Basidiomycota
- Class: Teliomycetes
- Produce spores in clusters (sori)
- Black stem rust of wheat
- Uredinial--red stage
- Telial--black stage
- Urediniospores--binucleate, single-celled spores
- Teliospores--two-celled, each cell binucleate
Genus: Penicillium
- Phylum: Ascomycota (the sac fungus)
- Look like brooms
- Conidiophores--branching, spore-producing structures
- Conidia--chains of asexual spores
Genus: Rhizopus
- Phylum: Zygomycota
- Sporangia
- Sporangiophores--upright stalks to which sporangia are attached
- Stolons--interconnecting hyphae between groups of sporangiophores
- Rhizoids--anchor
Genus: Saccharomyces
- Phylum: Ascomycota (the sac fungus)
- Baker's yeast
- Each ascus contains either 4 or 8 ascospores
Genus: Fucus
- Phylum: Phaeophyta (the brown algae)
- Rockweed
- Receptacles--ends of branches or blades
- Conceptacles--cavities within the receptacels in which the sex organs are located Paraphyses--sterile, filamentous structures within the conceptacles
- Class: Charophycea
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- Nucleus of the cell located in the isthmus connecting the two halves of the cell
Genus: Volvox
- Class: Chlorophyceae
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- Motile colonies
- Cells arranged in a single layer as a hollow sphere held together by a gelatinous sheath
- Cytoplasmic stands form a network among cells
Genus: Hydrodictyon
- Class: Chlorophyceae
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- "Water net"
Genus: Ulothrix
- Class: Ulvophyceae
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- Filamentous
Genus: Oedogonium
- Class: Chlorophyceae
- Phylum: Chlorophyta
- Growth is intercalary--between base and apex of the filament
- Annular scars--indicate the number of cell divisions that have taken place
- Oogonia
- Antheridia
Genus: Spirogyra
- Class: Charophycea
- Phylum: Chlorophyceae
- Spiral