Biology Lab Test 2

  1. Diatoms
    • Phylum: Bacillariophyta
    • Unicellular or colonial organisms of both fresh and marine waters
    • "The algae that live in glass houses"
    • Pennate--bilaterally symmetrical
    • Centric--radially symmetrical
  2. Genus: Anabaena
    • Cyanobacteria
    • Heterocyst
    • Akinete
  3. Genus: Gloeocapsa
    • Cyanobacteria
    • Colonial
  4. Genus: Nostoc
    • Cyanobacteria
    • Colonial
    • Constist of many filaments within a gelatinous or colloidal matrix
  5. Genus: Oscillatoria
    • Cyanobacteria
    • Filamentous
    • Hormogonia (Hormogomium)--means of vegatative reproduction
  6. Genus: Saprolegnia
    • Phylum: Oomycota (the water molds)
    • Saprophitic
    • Oogonia (female gametangia) with eggs
    • Antheridia (male gametangia)
    • Several times smaller than oogonia
  7. Puccinia graminis
    • Phylum: Basidiomycota
    • Class: Teliomycetes
    • Produce spores in clusters (sori)
    • Black stem rust of wheat
    • Uredinial--red stage
    • Telial--black stage
    • Urediniospores--binucleate, single-celled spores
    • Teliospores--two-celled, each cell binucleate
  8. Genus: Penicillium
    • Phylum: Ascomycota (the sac fungus0
    • Look like brooms
    • Conidiophores--branching, spore-producting structures
    • Conidia--chains of asexual spores
  9. Genus: Rhizopus
    • Phylum: Zygomycota
    • Sporangia
    • Sporangiophores--upright stalks to which sporangia are attached
    • Stolons--interconnecting hyphae between groups of sporangiophores
    • Rhizoids--anchor
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Biology Lab Test 2
Lab Test