Between 1865 and 1914, America became increasingly expansionist. As expansion became imperialism, the United States became involved in crises and wars around the world.
Why did political leaders begin to advocate a more activist role in crises and wars around the world?
They beleived that the United States was an exceptional nation, and believed doing so would benefit the country's domestic health.
Who were the Foreign Policy Elite?
An elite group of Americans who shaped foreign policy.
What did the foreign policy elite contend?
That selling, buying, and investing in foreign marketplaces were important to the United States.
Foreign Trade proved important in the post Civil War _____.
Economic growth
What accounted for most exports?
How did those who supported expansion justify it?
By using race theories.
What popular things reflected an ethnocentric American attitude?
Magazines, school textbooks, and world's fairs, which portrayed foreigners stereotypically.
How did U.S leaders justify U.S hegemony?
By using gendered language that place weaker nations in the low ranks of the hierarchy of power.
What caused a deterioration of of relations with China?
Anti-Chinese riots in the American West and the suspenion of Chinese immigration by Congress.
What 3 races were ordered to be placed in segregated schools by the San Francisco school board in 1906?
Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese.
How did Americans justirfy interveing in other lands?
They justified it on the grounds that the U.S. Offered these socities blessings of liberty and prosperity.
How did missionaries contribute to American expansion?
By spreading American religion and influence abroad.
What did Secretary of State William Seward believe that the nation would establish, and why?
An empire, as the result of a natural process of gravitation toward the U.S.
How did he accelerate this process?
By favoring U.S. trade expansion a Central American canal, a transcontinental railroad, and improved communication systems.
What did Seward acquire from Russia in 1867?
What three countries signed a protectorate over Samoa in Berlin in 1889?
Britain, Germany, and the U.S, which received Pago Pago.
What book convinced expansionist of the need for a modern navy?
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, by Alfred T. Mahan.
What did the U.S. do in order to gain Hawai'i?
The Americans overthrew princess Lili'uokalani and asked for annexation, which was meaneuvered through Congress in 1898 by McKinley.
What led to the U.S. declaring the right to intervene between Venezuela and British Guiana?
A border dispute.
Why did the British accept the American position to keep the United States friendly?
In light of an expansive Germany.
Why did cultural ties exist betwen Cuba and the U.S.?
Because nearly 100,000 Cubans had migrated ti the U.S.
Who did Cuba rebel against in 1895, and what did rebel leader Jose Marti do?
Cuba rebeled against Spanish rule, and Jose Marti obtained funds, supplies, and support in the United States.
What reason was the U.S.S. Maine sent to Havana in 1898?
To protect American citizens from the pro-Spanish rioters in Havana.
What happened to the ship?
It exploded, killing 266 soldiers.
Why did McKinly declare war in 1898?
In order to advance the cause of humanity and to protect American interests.