Characteristics that Predispose a Child to Abuse
- Conceived out of wedlock
- Special child (premature, physical handicap, chronic illness, learning problems)
- Adolescent striving for autonomy
Physical Symptoms of Abuse
- Bruises (90% of cases)
- Fractures
- Head and internal injuries
- Burns (10% of cases)
- Critical is pattern and distribution (location; hidden by clothing)
- Indicative of Abuse:
- Those prior to becoming ambulatory
- Those on various parts of body
- Back of legs, upper arms and chest, neck, head, eyes, genitals
- Areas covered with clothing
- Clear pattern (palm print, buckle print, etc.)
- Color variation (no age on bruises)
- Adult bite marks
- Choke marks, pinch or grab marks (indicative of shaking)
- Nail scratches
- Strong indicator of abuse inchildren under 1 year of age
- Skull, nose, facial structure
- Various states healing
- Multiple or spiral fracture
Head and Internal Injuries
- Mostly discovered by radiologists
- Skull factures
- Subdural hematoma- blood in the brain
- Retinal detachment, hemorrhages
- Black eyes (both are especially susupicious)
- Abdominal injuries
Burns (10% of cases)
- Cigarette (not accidental on abdomen, genitals, bottom of feet, inaccessible spots)
- Tap water (most common)
- -"Gloved hands" or "socked" feet
- -Patterned (grill, iron, etc)
- Infected burns, indicating delay in seeking treatment
Unexplained bruises and welts
- Appear on face, lips, mouth, torso, back, buttocks, thighs
- Various stages of healing
- Clustered, forming rectangular patterns, reflecting shape of article used to inflict harm such as electrical cord or belt buckle
- Appear on several different surface areas
- Regularly appear after absence, weekend or vacation
Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse
- Unresponsive to environment
- Developmental lags
- Impaired capacity to enjoy life
- Enuresis (unable to control bladder)
- Encopresis (unable to control waste)
- Temper tantrums
- Low self-esteem
- Withdrawal
- Passive watchfulness
- Verbal inhibition
- Regression
- Fearful of failure
- Poor peer relationships
- Running away
- Depression
Other Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse
- Feels deserving of punishment
- Appears wary of adult contact
- Expresses apprehension when other children cry
- Expresses behavioral extremes from withdrawal to aggressiveness and/or hyperactivity
- Appears frightened of parents- afriad to go home
- Reports injury by parents
- Expresses vacant or frozen stare, listless and detached
- Lies very still while surveying surrounding (infant)
- Responds to questions in monosyllables
- Expresses inappropriate or precocious maturity
- Maintains only superficial relationships
- Expresses manipulative behavior to get attention
- Indsicriminately seeks affection
- Expresses poor self-concept
- Expresses over-compliance
- Acts consistently irritable
- Exhibits chronic ailments, stomachaches, vomiting, etc.
5 Tasks Abusive Parents Have Not Learned
- Getting needs met
- Separating feelings from actions
- Determining limits of responsibilty
- Making decisions
- Delaying gratification
Casual Factors of Physical Abuse
- Psychopathological Categories (Primary cause resides within parent)
- -Psychodynamic
- -Mental Illness
- -Character-Trait
- Interactional Categories
- -Martin
- -Zimrin
- -Family-structure model
- Environmental Sociological Cultural (stresses in society are primary cause of abuse)
- -Environment Stress Model
- -Social Learning Model
- -Social-Psychological Model
- -Pscyhosocial Systems Model
Psychodynamic Model
- Disturbance in nurturing relationship between parent and child
- Parent has potential to abuse based on his/her reading
- Role reversal
Mental Illness Model
- Underlying cause of abuse
- Borderline, bipolar
Character-Trait Model
- Traits of Abusive Parent
- -Self-centered
- -Impulsive
- -Rigid
- -Hostile
- -Dependent/Passive
Child perceived by parent as abnormal or different and becomes target of abuse
- "Encounter Theory"
- Traits, characteristics of parents interact with that of children in such a way that abuse occurs)
Family-Structure Model
Dysfunctionl family pattterns (severe enmeshment or scapegoating)
Environment Stress Model
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Poor education, etc
Social Learning Model
- Emphasizes parental inadequacy
- Not learned effective, nonharmful discipline methods
- Ignorant of child development
- Unready for parenthood and become easily frustrated
Social Psychological Model
- Frustration and Stress
- Stress + Individual Pathology = Abusive Episode
Psychosocial Systems Model
- Dysfunctional family patterns
- Parents have unmet needs which children are expected to meet
- Environmental stressors
Type of Neglect
- Medical
- Safety
- Educational
- Physical
- Emotional
Medical Neglect
Most likely to come to the attention of medical practitioners
Manifestations of Medical Neglect:
- Non-compliance with recommended care
- Delay or failure in getting health care
- Nonorganic Failure to Thrive
- Drug exposed newborns
- Obesity?
Medical Neglect Can Include:
- Refusal of medical interventions for religious reasons
- Refusal of childhood immunizations due to erroneous beliefs that they are dangerous
- Refusal to sign forms for necessary and perhaps life-saving interventions
- Embarking on bizarre diets that lead to vitamen deficiency and anemia
- Refusal of proven medical treatment in favor of unproven, unorthodox treatments
Noncompliance is very common
- Compliance is "the extent to which a patient's behavior coincides with the clinical prescription
- Short-term medications
- Preventive Regimens
- Long-term Regimens
When is it Medical Neglect?
- Harm due to lack of medical care
- Harm likely if no medical care
- Medical care that offers significant net benefit is not received
Etiology of Medical Neglect
- Context (poverty, culture, religion)
- Family (disorganized, stressed)
- Parents (knowledge, understanding, motivation)
- Child (denial, chronic health problem)
- Disorder and Treatment (severity, chroncity, cost)
- Process of Care (relationship, communication)
Managment (Medical Neglect)
- State the problem
- Convey interest in helping
- Begin with the least intrusive measures
- Address contributory factors
- -extra support
- -community resources
- -CPS
Preventing Medical Neglect
- Know the family: structure, needs, strengths
- Address risk factors: support, monitor, refer
- Address barriers to care
- Build on strengths
- Anticpatory guidance
- Health Education
When to Report to Child Protection Services
- When actual or potential harm is serious or
- When less intrusive efforts have failed and actual or potential harm persist
How to Improve Compliance (medial neglect)
- Make treatment practical
- --Simplify the regimen
- --prioritize treatments
- --provide cues and reminders
- Follow-up
- --telephone
- --in person: office, home
- Family issues
- --identify beliefs, skills, motivation
- --identify supports, stressors, barriers
- --involve key persons in treatment plan
- Communication
- --use appropriate language
- --give written instructions
Addressing Different Cultural or Religious Beliefs (Medical Neglect)
- Sensitivity, humility, flexibility
- Weigh costs and benefits of your treatment
- Seek reasonable compromise
- Considre approaching group leaders
- Court interventions?
Safety Neglect
- Lack of supervision and careful monitoring
- Failure to remove hazards and avoid dangerous situations
Educational Neglect
- Kept from school to do work or babysitting
- Exaggerated illness
Physical Neglect
- Failure to provide regular, ample meals
- Failure to keep child clean
- Basic needs for clothing and shelter not met
Emotional Neglect
- Failure to provide affection, attention
- Withdrawal
- Developmental delays
- Self-stimulating behaviors
- Insecure in play
Cause of Neglect
- Economic
- Ecological
- Societal
Economic Causes of Neglect
- Is 44% higher in lower socioeconomic families
- A potential error is overzelousness in the detection of neglect, leading to the confusion of neglect with poverty or ignorance
- Only if improvished families refuse reasonable services to children should neglect be considered
Ecological Causes of Neglect
- Poorly kept, unfriendly neighborhood
- Feel unsupported by their surroundings and develop low morale
- Social isolation
- Lack good knowledge about child rearing
Societal Values and Institutions Stimulate Neglectful Situations:
- Welfare reform that decreases eligibility categories
- Lack of quality, affordable daycare services for working moms
- Lack of affordable housing
- Lack of health care insurance
- Journal of Pediatrics study found that neglectful moms were less likely to have completed high school; had more children younger than 6 years of age; scored poorer on parenting skills and support system scales
- Neglected children were lower in birth weight; rate more difficult tempermentally; poorer mental, motor, and developmental scores
Characterisitcs of Nonorganic Failure to Thrive Infants
- Fussier, more demanding, unsociable
- Less adaptive, more inconsolable
- Developmental lags (oral-motor skills, etc)
Family Characteristcs Associated with Nonorganic Failure to Thrive Infatnts
- Unusual beliefs about normal diet
- Distorted mother-child relationship
- Multiple problems
- Emotional deprivation
Types of Emotional Abuse
- Rejecting
- Terrorizing
- Ignoring
- Isolating
- Corrupting
- Exploiting
Refusing to show the child's worth; name calling, ignoring, etc
Threaten the child with a punishment; fear
Refuse to provide stimulation and praise that the child needs
Preventing them from opportunities of experiencing social needs
Teach the child anti-social, deviant behaviors
Using the child to satisfy adult needs; the child takes care of the adult
James Garbarino (5 types of Emotional Abuse)
- Rejecting
- Terrorizing
- Ignoring
- Isolating
- Corrupting
Characteristics of Emotionally Abusive Parents
- Do not know enough about child development to cope with the normal demands resulting from their child's behavior at different developmental stages
- Lower socioeconomic stauts that generates a sense of powerlessness and frustration
- Middle class families where there is stress, tension, and aggression coupled with inadequate parenting skills and unrealistic expectations
- Poorere coping skills, child management techniques, and more difficulty in forming relationships (don't know how to handle bumps in the road)
Characteristics of the Emotionally Abused Child
- Suffer feelings of being inadequate, isolated, unwanted, and unloved
- Low self-esteem
- May fight back with aggression or behavior problems
- May trun anger inward (self-destructive behaviors)
- Somatic complaints (can never focus on where the hurt is)
- Sleep disturbances
- Frightened, distressed, anxious
4 Preconditions for Child Sexual Abuse
- Motivation to sexually abuse a child
- --emotional congruence
- --sexual arousal
- --blockage
- Overcoming internal inhibitors (this is a requirement for sexual abuse)
- Overcoming external inhibitors (supervision, family, peers, etc)
- Overcoming the resistance of the child
Why is a person not deterred by conventional social inhibitions from having a sexual relationships with a child?