unawareness of self and environment
alpha coma
apparent comatose state except exhibits EEG rhythm with alpha frequency
alpha coma is observed in the following
- global ischemic changes of brain following MI
- focal brain stem lesion at or caudal to pontomesencphalic junction
- metabolic or toxic encephalopathies
persistent vegatative state
state of wakefulness withou the ability to appreciate or respond to external stimuli
brain death
comatose state with irreversible total loss of cerebral and brain stem function preceding cessation of cardiac activity
locked in state
- unimpaired consciousness with tetraplegia and pseudobulbar paralysis
- preserved vertical, absent horizontal eye movement
- respond to verbal stimuli with coded eye movements
- mild decrease in level of alertness
- reponds but lacks concentration and attention span
- moderate decrease in level of alertness
- tend to sleep when undisturbed but arose with simple questions
- severe decrease in level of alertness
- pt responds to continuous vigorous stimulation with unintelligible sounds. No verbal responce.
clouded slow thinking
- hyperactive
- agitated
- confused with hallucinations
- paranoid ideation
- signs of autonomic overactivity
transient loss of conciousness from reversible, temporary impairment of blood flow to brain
cyclic loss of consciousness reversible with stimulation
clinical assesment of comatose pt
- circumstances in which pt was found
- PMH from family, friends, physician
- Hx of fall assault, penetratnig wound, MVC, phychiatric illness, suicide attempt, epilepsy, illicit drug use, endocrine or metabolic disorders, cardiac irregularities, hpertension, vascular disease, coagulopathy
- search pt for empty pill container
first step in managing a comotose pt
- inspect airway
- if pt vomits place them on side
- depending on circumstance use an
- oral air way
- nasal air way
- endotracheal tube
- cricothyrotomy
whether a pt is placed an a ventilator depends on
- blood gas
- tidal volume
- RR
- oxygen saturation
After assesment of airway and vital signs the next step is
inspect head, neck, and extremities for trauma
signs of head trauma
- racoon eyes - periorbital echimosis
- drainage of clear fluid or blood from nose or ears
- battle signs
odors to take note of in evaluation of coma
- alcohol - inebriation
- ammonia - uremia
- musty - hepatic coma
- spoiled fruit - diabetic coma
After evaluating airway, vital signs, check for signs of trauma, noticing odors what next
IV line with appropriate electrolyte solution
hypotension in trauma is a sign of
deviation of eye away from side of paralysis, looking toward the lesion in coma
right frontal destructive lesion
deviation of eye toward the side of paralysis, looking away from the lesion in coma
deep seated thalamic lesions
conjugate deviation toward side of paralysis in coma
unilateral pontine lesions
disconjugate gaze in coma
- internuclear opthalmoplegia
- paresis of individual muscles
- peesixting tropia or phoria
spontaneous slow horizontal roving eye movements in coma
- imply intact brain stem
- good prognostic indicator
pupil evaluation first evaluate
for orbital injury, prior cataract surgery as these cause dialation
unilaterally dialated and fixed pupil
- uncle herniation with compression of 3rd CN at tentorial edge resulting in
- impairment of parasympathetic pupilloconstrictor fibers in nerve
bilateral fixed and dialated pupils
- bilateral midbrain lesions
- anoxic encephalopathy
- brain death
- sudden expansion and rupture of an internal carotid artery anyeurism
- extreme midbrain compression
bilateral small pinpoint pupils
pontine lesion
unilateral horner's syndrome with miosis, ptosis, enophthalmos
- medullary lesion
- hypothalmic lesion
no reaction to direct light
reaction to consensual light
optic nerve injury
forced downward deviation of eyes
may also be accompanied by
- lesion of thalamus or tectum of the midbrain
- may also be accompanied by a non-reactive pupil (parinaud's syndrome)
vertical divergence
- skew deviation
- fallows lesions of cerebellum or brain stem
ocular bobbing
accompanied by
- aka conjugate downward movements
- follows lesions of pontine tementum
- accompanied often by lateral gaze paralysis
disconjugate movement seen in
- cranial nerve paralysis
- usually 6th due to genral increased ICP
- usually 3rd due to uncle herniation
oculocephalic reflex
positive is normal - eye work as a dolls
oculovestibular reflex procedure
- head flexed at 30 degrees
- make sure tympanic membrane is intact
- 30mL of cold water into external auditory canal
oculovestibular reflex - findings
- normal - nystagmus with fast component away from stimulated side
- coma - slow deviation of eyes toward stimulation, with 2 to 3 minutes before neutral position is again gained
- brain stem damage - no reaction eye remain fixed forward
cheyne stokes respirations
- diffuse forebrain lesions
- sensitive to normal pCO2 causing a longer hyperventilatory phase followed by a shorter apnea
- results in alkolosis
central neurogenic hyperventilation
- pO2 high, pCO2 low
- rare, but seen in head injury with severe midbrain lesion
differentiating central neurogenic hyperventilation vs pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonitis
- pO2 < normal then pulmonary edema or aspiration pneumonitis
- pO2 > normal then concider central neurogenic hyperventilation
apneustic breathing
- prolonged pause at full inspiration
- reflects lesion of mid to caudal pons
- seen in brain stem stroke from ba
Ataxic breathing
- medullary lesions in respiratory center
- irrugular random deep and shallow breathing
cluster pattern
- lower medullary lesions
- irregular sequence with varying paauses between clusters
decorticate posturing indicates
- flexion of arms and wrist and extension of lower extremities
- cerebral white matter, internal capsule, or thalamus
decerebrate rigidity indicates lesion
- upper and lower extremity complete extension
- slightly more caudle in upper brain stem
flaccidity is an indication of
- no response to any noxious stimuli
- medullary failure
intact corneal reflex indicates
- facial nerve intact
- first division of trigeminal nerve intact
consiousness relies on what
reticular activating system in rostral pons, midbrain and thalamus
four catagories of impaired consciousness
- Diffuse cortical lesions
- supratentorial mass lesions
- Direct lesions
- Infratentorial lesions
diffuse cortical lesions result from
- diffusely affected neurons of cerebral cortex due to
- hypoxia
- hypoglycemia
- hyperosmolar coma
- acid base imbalance
- uremia
- hepatic coma
supratentoral mass lesions
extrinsic or intrinsic in either cerebral hemisphere causes compression and uncal herniation resulting in compression of rostral brain stem and impairment of RAS
Direct lesions
- in rostral brain stem itself
- acute hemorrhage or trauma
infratentorial lesions
secondary compression oof brain stem caused by large cerebellar tumors, hemorrhage or infarction.
Persistent vegatative state presentation
- pts appear wakeful but there is no cognitive function. Eyes may be open
- but do not track or explore surroundings and do not move
- purposefully or in response to commands.
- No vocalization or verbalization
- Faces are expressionless
- May assume fetal position with limbs flexed with no responce to noxious stimuli and no purposeful movements
persistant vegatative state tests
positron emision tomographic scan will show low cerebral metabolic rate for glucose
persistant vegatative states occurs due to
- decline from chronic nervous disorder
- acute brain insult
locked in syndrome
- pseudo coma
- ventral pontine syndrome
- de-efferent state
- cerebromedullospinal disconnection
locked in syndrome
- tetra plegia, pseudobulbar paralysis
- unable to communicate except by blinking
- horizontal eye motions are affected
- RAS is intact thus there is full consiousness
- blood flow studies are normal
brain death
total irreversible loss of functino of cerebral hemispheres and brain stem
brain death presentation
- brain stem reflexes absent
- pupils are fixed and maximally dilated
- corneal, cough, and gag reflexes are absent
- no responce to doll eyes or cold caloric stimulation
- no spontaneous respiration
- flacid with no responce to painful stimuli
- DTR absent
in brain death an EEG with show
isoelectric tracing in spite of high gain setting
before declairing brain death it must be ascertained that the pt is not
- intoxicated with sedative or hypnotic drugs
- hypothermic
apnea can be tested by
disconnecting the pt from respirator to allow PCO2 to rise to 60mmHg to initiate spontaneous repiratory effort
brain death text administration usually occurs
twice 6 hours apart
after brain death occured it is inevitable that
cardiac death will follow within days to weeks.