Chapter 8

  1. Role Category Questionnaire (RCQ)
    Walter Crockett
    • The RCQ is designed to sample the personal constructs people use to make sense of the world.
    • A free-response survey designed to measure the cognitive compexity of a person's interpersonal perception.
    • constructs are contrasting features we use to classify other people.
    • The RCQ centers on the categories of personality and action that we use to define the character of another person.
    • The RCQ is used to measure the respondent's degree of cognitive complexity.
    • people with a large set of personal constructs have better social perception skills than those with less constructs.
    • Researchers are more concerned with the structure of the constructs than with the content of judgments.
    • cognitive complexity allows us to make distinctions that are more sophisticated than binary classifications.
  2. Personal Constructs
    • Constructs are contrasting features we use to classify other people.
    • The cognitive templates or stencils we fit over social reality to order our impressions of people.
  3. Person-Centered messages
    The interpersonal edge
    • Messages which reflect an awareness of an adaptation to subjective, affective, and relational aspects of the communication contexts. The speaker is able to anticipate how different individuals might respond to a message, and adjust his or communication accordingly.
    • Delia and colleagues claim that people who are cognitively complex have a communication advantage over those with less developed mental constructs.
    • Person-centered messages reflect an awareness of and adaptations to subjective, affective, and relational aspects of the communication contexts.
    • The capacity to create person-centered messages relates to rehetorical sensitivity, taking the role of the other, identification, self-monitoring, audience awareness, and listener adaptation.
    • Benefits of person-centered messages:
    • sophisticated messages are more comforting than clumsy attempts at social suppot.
    • the dgree of similarity in communicative skill may be more important than sophisticated communication for maintaining close friendships
    • cognitive complexity enhance orgaizational effectiveness
  4. Cognitive Complexity
    • allows us to make distinctions that are more siphisticated than binary classifications.
    • The mental ability to distinguishe subtle personality and behavior differences among people.
Card Set
Chapter 8
Constructivism (Delia)