high-tech politics
- politics shaped in which behavior of 1.
- 1.Citizens
- 2. Policymakers
- 3. Pol. agenda
- are INCREASINGLY shaped by technology
mass media
- means of popular communication
- EX/ TV, radio, newspapers,
media event
- events purposefully staged for media to appear SPONTANEOUS
- dif. pol. groups stage pol. issues like theatre
investigative journalism
- use of detective like reporting to unearth scams, schemes, and scandals
- (puts reporters in adversial relationship w/ pol. leaders)
- contributes to negativity about journalism
increase in cynicism of pres. candidates
- 1960- 90% news stories w/ descriptive framework
- 1992- fav. <20%
- more about "horse race" or campaign controversies
- Pro: press =overt, accurate look
- Con: no t balance w/ topics, less cont. and more policy issues
print media
newspapers and magazines
broadcast media
- (tv and radio)
- 1. makes/breaks politicians
- 2. takes ppl to war
- 3. immediacy of news to ppl to pres.
- EX/ Bush & Iraqi war
newspapers published by massive media conglomerates (account for 75% of nations daily circulation)
- caused by increase in variety of channels
- focused on 1 topic
- (media programming on cable TV and Internet)
- EX/ MTV, Animal Planet
- Pro: more accessible knowledge
- Con: worse balance bc pro. allows the pol. apathy to further avoid politics
Reporting the news
- search for unusual
- Inc. in fashioning around low level of audience sophistication
- striving for $ for bottom line contribute
- specific locations form which nies emanates EX/ Congress
- news org. assign ppl to beats
trial balloons
info leaked to see what pol. reaction would be
presenting news
- superficial
- must be neatly compressed w/in 30 sec. or between adv. in newspaper
- Nightline news: skimpy attention
- more strategy and political game
- short video clips of appr. 15 sec.
- dec. in time pres. given to talk on TV news
- less emphasis on significance in matter
- avoid policy debate
bias in the news
- liberal bias: 2x likely they say they are than public
- majority not systematically "biased"
- point/counterpoint
- (believe reader= decider, and rewarded by editor)
- media - don't want to detract opposer of bias view
- talking head: shot of person's face talking dir. to camera (unstimulating-> detracts # of viewers)
- Effects: ppl biased toward interest in topics
"min. effects hypothesis"
- not as drastic when looking at direct voter turnout
- but big influence found when evaluating importance of topics