Kinese GH O and I
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Pec Major upper fibers O and I
Anterior surface clavicle
Flat tendon wide to lateral lip of interbercular groove
What is the O and I of the pec major O and I
anterior surfaces of costal cartilages of the first 6 ribs and adjoining portion
same as Upper fibers
what is the O and I of the subscapularis?
anterior surface of subscapular fossa
lesser tubercle of humerus
what is the O and I of the Coracobrachialis?
coracoid process of scapula
middle border of humeral shift
what is the O and I of the deltoid anteior fibers?
anterior lateral third of clavicle
deltoid tuberosity on lateral side of humerus
what is the O and I of the deltoid Middle fibers
lateral aspect of acromion
same for all delts
what is the O and I for the deltoid posterior fibers?
inferiror edge of spine of scapula
same for all delts
what is the O and I for the supraspinatus?
medial two thirds of suprapinatus fossa
superior on greater tubercle of humerus
what is the O and I of the Lats
posterior crest of illium, back of sacrum and spinous processes and lower six thoracic vertebrae
medial side of interbercular groove, anterior to the insertion of teres major
what is the O and I of the teres major
posteriorly on lateral border of scapula and just superior to inferior angle
medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus, just posterior to the insertion of lats
what is the O and I of the infraspinatus?
infraspinous fossa just below spine of scapula
posteriorly on greater tubercle of humerus
what is the O and I of the teres minor?
Posteriorly on upper and middle aspect of lateral border of scapula
posteriorly on greater tubercle
Card Set
Kinese GH O and I
GH Joint O and I
10/6/2011, 9:55:45 AM
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