venae cavae - R atrium - R ventricle - pulmonary artery
into the lungs for exchange of CO2 an O2
oxigenated blood goes into:
pulmonary veins - L atrium - L ventricle - aorta
What are the division of the aorta?
ascending (ascendente)
arch (arco)
descending (descendiente)- thoracic- abdominal
what are the ascending aorta divisions?
what region supplies blood?
left coronary and right coronary
(coronaria izquierda y coronaria derecha)
supplies the myocardium
what are the divisions of the aortic arch?
brachiocephalic (braquiocefálico) -R subclavian -R common carotid
left common carotid (carótida común izquierda)
left subclavian (subclavia izquierda)
what are the divisions of the thoracic aorta?
phrenics (diaphragm)
what are the divisions of the abdominal aorta?
illeacs - femorals
superior and inferior mesenteric
gonadals (ovaries and testes)
what are the wall of arteries?
tunica adventitia/fibrious connective tissue
tunica media/circular smooth muscle
tunica intima:elastic fibers,basement membrane and endothelium
what are the walls of the veins?
tunica adventitia/fribrious connective tissue
tunica media/circular smooth muscle
tunica intima:elastic fibers,basement membrane and endothelium
what is the wall of capillaries?
what are the chambers of the heart?
(cámaras del corazón)
RA-right atrium
(aurícula derecha)
RV-right ventricle
(ventrículo derecho)
LA-left atrium
(aurícula izquierda)
LV-left ventricle
(ventrículo derecho)
what are the valves of the heart?
aortic valve (válvula aórtica)
mitral or bicuspid valve (válvula mitral o bicúspide)
tricuspid valve (válvula tricúspide)
pulmonary valve (válvula pulmonar)
what are the types of stroke (derrame)?
hemorrhagic (hemorrágico)
thrombotic (trombótico)
embolic or embolitic (embólico)
what is the process of systematic circulation?
Oxigenated blood goes from:
heart to Aorta to arteries to arterioles to capillaries
oxigenated blood is provided to tissues and exchande for carbon dioxide to capillaries to venules to veins to superior and inferior venae cavae back to the heart
what are the cardiac conduction system?
P wave-begin of cicle /atria contraction forcing blood into the ventricles
QRS waves- contraction of the ventricles forcing blood into the pulmonary and systemic circulation