what are the three anatomical and finctional sub divisions?
- Central nervous system : brain and spinal cord
- Peripheral nervous system: 12 pairs cranial nerves and 31 pairs spinal nerves . relay info between body and brain
- efferent-brain to body
- afferent-muscles, skin to brain
- autonomic nervous system: automatically control body temp, blood pressure, heart rate
male brain is heavier than female brain from birth (T/F)
list parts of the brain from most conscious to least conscious:
- cortical
- limbic
- midbrain
- brain stem
what does the cerebrum include?
- (75% total weight)- include cerebral cortex and white amtter that connect limbic, midbrain and brain stem
- hippocampus-create memories
- amgydala- create and regulate emotions
- anterior cingulate gyrus- inside of each hemisphere
- center of consciousness
what are the 4 main lobes and their functions?
- frontal-voluntary motor activity, speaking ability and elaboration of thought
- parietal-recieveing and processing sensory input
- occipital (visual cortex/striate cortex)-initiating process of visual output
- temporal-sound sensation
what is the cerebrum responsible for?
- conscious sensation
- perception
- attention
- focus
- concentration
- working memory
- planning
- decision making
- problem solving
- abstract thought
what links the left and right hemispheres?
corpus callosum
what are deep folds of brain called?
- gyrus- bulge of tissue on cortex
- sulcus- valley or groove in brain surface
- these enhance surface area of brain
if you flattened out you cerebral cortex what would your surface area be?
2sq. m
what area of brain is used for unconscious actions?
parietal regions
what part of brain is used for conscious actions?
motor area and pre frontal cortex