Define Reflective listening
A technique used to gain insight into a pt's thinking, involving repeating, in the form of a question, what the pt has said.
Define Activities of daily living (ADL)
The basic activities a person usually accomplishes during a normal day, such as eating, dressing and bathing.
Define organic brain syndrome
Temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain, caused by a disturbance in the physical or physiologic functioning of brain tissue.
Causes of organic brain syndrome include?
Sudden illness, recent trauma, drug or alcohol intoxication, and brain diseases, such as alzheimers.
AMS can arise from Low blood glucose, lack of oxygen, inadequate blood flow to the brain, and excessive heat or cold.
Im trying to determine the reason for the pt's state, what three factors should you consider?
- 1. Is the pt contral nervous system functioning properly
- 2. Are hallucigens or other drug or alcohol a factor
- 3. Are psychogenic circumstances, symptoms or ilness involved?
What is the most significant factor that contributes to suicide?
Risk factors for suicide.
- -Depression
- -Previous suicide attempt
- -Current expression of wanting to commit suicide
- -Holidays
- -Server mental illness
- -recent loss of a loved one
How often do you reasses for someone in restraints?
Reasses and document resp, PMSC's every 5 min in all restrained extremities
If you restrain a person without a Physician, a court, or a law enforment officer What are you liaible for
Assault, battery, false imprisonment and violation of civil rights
you may only use restraints when you or others are in danger of bodily harm.
What risk factors do you asses for the level of danger?
- 1. History
- 2. Posture
- 3. The scene
- 4. Vocal activity
- 5. Physical activity
Other factors are Substance abuse, low socioeconomic status, functional disorder, depression
What and why do you document when restraints are applied
It is important to document witnesses in attendance even during transport to protect against false accusations.
Document the reason and the technique that was used.
You may use restraints only to protect yourself and others to prevent a pt from causing injury or harm to himself or herself
Safety guidlines include
- Be prepared to spend extra time
- Have a definite plan of action
- Identify yourself calmly
- Be direct
- Assess the scene
- Stay with the pt
- Encourage purposeful movement
- Express interest in the pt's story
- Do not get to close to the pt
- Avoid fighting with the pt
- Be honest and reassuring
- Do not judge
How many plp are needed to restrain a person?
4 each being resposible for one extremity