Primary and secondary survey.txt

  1. What are the 3 steps of first responder medical aid?
    • - Primary Survey
    • - Secondary Survey
    • - Ongoing Exam
  2. Primary survey includes:
    • - Scene size up (safe? hazards, # of patients, need help? MOI)
    • - Initial Assessment (Age, sex, weight, LOC, ABC + skin, C-Spine, deadly bleeding)
    • - rapid trauma survey
  3. DCAPBLS and TIC
    • Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations, Burns, Lacerations, Swelling
    • Tenderness, Instability, Crepitis
  4. Normal and unusual respitory rates for an adult are:
    • Normal - 10-20/min
    • unusual - under 8 and above 24
  5. Normal and unusual respitory rates for an Infant are:
    • Normal - 25-50/min
    • unusual - under 25 and above 60
  6. Normal and unusual respitory rates for a child are:
    • Normal - 15-30/min
    • unusual - under 15 and above 35
  7. During the rapid trauma survey the order of checking the body is:
    • - head and neck
    • - chest
    • - abdomen
    • - pelvis
    • - lower extremities
    • - upper extremities
    • - posterior
  8. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the head and neck?
    • - DCAPBLS and TIC
    • - Neck veign distention
    • - Tracheal deviation
    • - Pupils (size, reactive, equal)
    • - Battle signs
  9. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the chest?
    • - DCAPBLS and TIC
    • - Heart beat
    • - paradoxical motion
    • - subcutaneous emphysema
    • - Breath sounds present and equal (Apices and Bases)
    • - if not equal = percussion (dull=fluid, loud=air)
  10. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the abdomen?
    • - DCAPBLS and TIC
    • - distention
    • - injection sites
    • - rigidity
    • - tenderness
  11. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the pelvis?
    • - DCAPBLS and TIC
    • - instability
  12. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the lower extremities?
    • - DCAPBLS and TIC
    • - capillary refill equal
  13. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the upper extremities?
    • - DCPBLS and TIC
    • - capillary refill equal
  14. In your primary survey, what are you looking for on the posterior?
    • - DCAPBLS and TIC
    • - Presacral edema (pooling blood at base of spine)
  15. What initial vitals do you take in the primary survey?
    • - BP
    • - Pulse
    • - Respirations
  16. If LOC changes...
    - start again at AVPU
  17. Secondary survey includes:
    • - SAMPLE history
    • - Full set of Vitals (LOC, ABC, skin)
    • - Glasgow Coma Scale
    • - head to toe DCAPBLS and TIC
  18. In your initial assessment, how do you assess LOC?
    • - APVU (Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive)
    • - Orientation (name, place, time, event)
  19. SAMPLE stands for:
    - Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Past Medical History, Last Oral Intake, Events Prior
  20. If the patient is critical, for ongoing care you must reassess
    - every 5 minutes
  21. If the patient is stable, for ongoing care you must reassess
    - every 15 minutes
  22. When checking airway, you look, listen and feel for:
    - Snoring, gurgling, stridor, silence
  23. When checking Pulse, you try to find:
    - Rate, rythem and quality
  24. When checking breathing, you try to find:
    - rate, depth and quality
  25. Checking skin for:
    - temperature, wet or dry
Card Set
Primary and secondary survey.txt
Day 1