
  1. Where woould the dental laboratory be located in a dental office?
    In a separate area of the dental office (away from the patient treatment room)
  2. What specialty practices might have a more extensive laboratory setup?
    • pediatric dentistry
    • orthodontics
    • prosthodontics
  3. What is an example of a contaminated item in the dental laboratory?
    Anuthing brought into the laboratory from the treatment room area (impressions)
  4. What is required in the laboratory to heat wax or other materials?
    heat source (propane or butane)
  5. What is used to trim stone or plaster model?
    model trimmer
  6. What piece of equipment is used to grind away plaster or stone?
    model trimmer
  7. What piece of equipment does the dentist use to determine centric relation on a diagnostic model?
    face bow
  8. What is the most common wax spatula size used in the laboratory?
    #7 wax spatula
  9. Which appliance is used to construct custom trays for bleaching, mouth guards and positioners for orthodontics?
    vacuum former
  10. What is used to remove air from the mix of plaster or stone and to aid in the flow of material when diagnostic model is poured up?
  11. What is used for many tasks, such as trimming custom impressions trays, adjusting dentures and polishing provisional and inderect restorations?
    low-speed laboratory handpiece
  12. A handheld unit that sprays sand at a high rate of speed, creating etching or pitting on surface area of metals, porcelain, or acrylic?
  13. What mechanical device is used to hold maxillary and mandibular dental models in a position to aid in reproduction of the mandible in relation to the maxilla?
  14. A machine used for cutting or polishing dental appliances?
  15. Structural portion of a dental model created from the alginate impression?
    Anatomical portion
  16. Chemical process in which crystals form a structure?
  17. An accurate replica of the prepared portion of the ttoth used in the laboratory during the fabrication of a cast restoration?
  18. Related to gypsum products and indicating two parts of water to one part of calcium sulfate?
  19. Resistance to changes in width, height and lenght?
    Dimensionally stable
  20. Mineral used in the formation of plaster of Paris and Stone?
  21. Removal of water to become one-half part water to one part of calcium sulfate, forming the powder product of Gypsum?
  22. Machine used for cutting or polishing dental appliances?
  23. Replica of the maxillary and mandibular arches made from an impression?
  24. A molecule that, when combined with other molecules, forms a polymer?
  25. Compound of many molecules?
  26. mixture of gypsum and water used in the finishing of models?
  27. Substance that can evaporate easily and is very explosive?
  28. Double ended instrument used in waxing a pattern, or when working with wax for a partial or full denture?
    wax spatula
  29. Used for mixing of alginate in the teratment area and for mixing of stone or plaster in the laboratory?
    Flexible rubber bowl
  30. What is another term for a dental model?
    study cast
  31. What dental materials are used to make dental models?
    Gypsum products
  32. What are the 3 forms of gypsum?
    • model plaster
    • dental stone
    • high-strenght stone
  33. What is the water-to-powder ration of plaster?
    100g to 45-50ml of water
  34. When mixing gypsum materials what do you add 1st?
    powder to water
  35. In what are gypsum materials mixed?
    Flexible rubber bowl
  36. Accurate three-dimensional reproduction of the teeth and sorrounding soft tissues of the patients maxillary and mandibular arches?
    dental model
  37. What is used to create a dental model?
  38. What are Dental models used for?
    • Diagnosis for planning a fixed or removable prosthetic device
    • Diagnosis of orthodontic treatment
    • Visual presentation of dental treatment
    • custom trays
    • provisional coverage
    • mouth guards
    • orthodontics
  39. What are the differences b/w the 3 gypsum products?
    size, shape and porosity of the hemihydrate crystals
  40. What is a Model plaster commonly refered to?
    Plaster of Paris
  41. What gypsum product requires the greatest quantity of water and is the weakest form of study models?
    Model plaster
  42. For of gypsum usually yellow used when a more durable diagnostic cast is required?
    dental stone
  43. High strenght stone is also known as?
    densite or improved dental stone
  44. Gypsum that make it ideal for creating DIE for use of fabrication of wax pattern with the production of wax, bridges, and indirect restorations?
    • High-Strenght Stone
    • densite
  45. What has a significant effect on the setting time abd strenght of the gypsum product?
    powder-to-water ratio
  46. When too little water is used, the mix will dry and provides?
    shorter working time
  47. When too much water is used, the mix will be thin and runny?
    • takes longer to set
    • weaker model
  48. What is used to measure the water?
    • large syringe
    • milliliter-graduated cylinder
  49. What is used to measure powder?
  50. What are the 2 parts of the dental model?
    • Anatomical portion
    • Art portion
  51. When pouring and impression, where in the maxillary impression do you begin to place the gypsum material?
    near the most posterior teeth
  52. How long should you wait before you separate the model from the impression?
    45-60 minutes
  53. Which of the 2 models do you begin measuring and trimming 1st?
  54. What area on the maxillary and mandibular model is trimmed differently?
    • the anterior cut
    • mandible round
    • maxilla angled
  55. What should be placed b/w the 2 models when one is trimming them together?
    wax bite
  56. What is the most common way of "pouring up" impressions?
    inverted-pour method
  57. What portion is made up by the anatomical portion?
    two thirds
  58. What portion does the Art portion take from cast?
    one third
  59. What are the primary materials used to construct custom trays?
    • self-curing acrylic resin
    • light-cured resin
    • thermoplastic material
  60. Of the 3 types of custom trays discussed, which technique uses a more hazardous material in the fabrication of the tray?
    Self-curing acrylic resin (liquid monomer)
  61. Which type of custom tray is made for a vital bleaching procedure?
    Vacuum-formed thermoplastic resin
  62. In which two forms is acrylic resin supplied?
    • monomer
    • polymer
  63. What is the pusrpose of a spacer?
    Placed on the cast to create room in the tray for the impression material
  64. How are undercuts corrected on a model whena custom tray is prepared?
    Fill them with wax or other molding material
  65. What is used to extend the borders of an impression tray?
    utility wax
  66. Laboratory technicians uses this wax to create a pattern of the inderect restoration on a model?
    inlay casting wax
  67. used for single-tooth inderect restorations and fixed bridges and for casting metal portions of a partial denture?
    casting wax
  68. What type of wax could be used to form a wall around a preliminary impression when pouring it up?
    boxing wax
  69. What type of wax would you use to obtain a patients bite impression?
    Bire registration wax
  70. What is the most common wax used to create a pattern for an inderect restoration?
    Inlay casting Wax
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