Biochemichal Analysis & Medication Management

  1. Five factors that are used to do laboratory procedures:
    • 1. Blood
    • 2. Urine
    • 3. Feces
    • 4. Tissue
    • 5. Bone
  2. Six (6) types of CHON tests:
    • 1. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
    • 2. Creatinine Height Index
    • 3. Nitrogen Balance Study
    • 4. Serum Albumin
    • 5. Serum Transferrin
    • 6. Transthyretin
  3. BUN normal ranges
  4. BUN is elevated with...
    Renal Disease
  5. BUN is decreased with...
    Liver disease and pregnancy
  6. what CHON tests assesses somatic CHON status?
    Creatinine Height Index
  7. What is the Urinary Excretion Rate?
    actual urinary creatinine in 24 hours divided by expected 24 hours urinary creatinine x 100
  8. Indicator of the total protein mass in the body.
    Nitrogen Balance Study
  9. What is Nitrogen balance?
    Nitrogen In - Nitrogen out
  10. How to compute Nitrogen Intake?
    Protein (g) consumed/24 hours divided by 6.25
  11. How to compute Nitrogen Output?
    Grams urinary urea Nitrogen/24 hours + 4 grams.
  12. What is positive nitrogen balance?
    Nitrogen intake is GREATER THAN Nitrogen output.
  13. What is negative nitrogen balance?
    Nitrogen intake is LESSER THAN Nitrogen output.
  14. What is the state of anabolism during growth?
    Positive Nitrogen Balance.
  15. What is the state of catabolism during trauma, burns, etc?
    Negative nitrogen Balance.
  16. What is the indicator of long-term CHON defeciency?
    Serum Alnumin.
  17. Normal level of Serum Albumin?
    3.5 - 5 g/dl
  18. Normal level of Serum Transferrin?
    200 - 400 mg/dl
  19. What is the indicator of Visceral CHON?
    Serum Transferrin.
  20. What is TTHY?
  21. Another name of TTHY?
    Thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA)
  22. What is the indicator of short-term protein stores?
    TTHY or TBPA
  23. Normal level of TTHY or TBPA?
    19-43 mg/dl
  24. What protein test is affected by trauma, infection, iron status?
    TTHY or TBPA
  25. Three (3) types of Red Blood Cell Tests?
    • 1. Hematocrit (HCT)
    • 2. Hemoglobin (HB)
    • 3. Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
  26. Elevated level of Hematocrit indicate __________?
  27. Lowered level of Hematocrit indicate ________?
    Anemia, Hemorrage
  28. HCT Normal level for males?
  29. HCT Normal level for females?
  30. What is HCT?
    Perrcentage of red blood cells in a given volume of blood.
Card Set
Biochemichal Analysis & Medication Management
Lab values relation to nutrition, individual assessment, medication/food interaction