Stink 5: World;s Worst Super-Stinky Cheater Contest

  1. sniffing
    making a noise while drawing in air through the nose to detect a smell
  2. rate
    compare in measure to something else
  3. swamp
    a low area of ground where water collects
  4. puff
    filled up
  5. pride
    feeling good about what you did
  6. litter box
    a house animals toilet
  7. attention
    to think or act like something is important
  8. gather
    come together
  9. pleased
  10. cracked up
    burst into laughter
  11. outlaw
    not allowed to do
  12. putrid
    very very gross
  13. announce
    to make generally known
  14. trophy
    a thing given as a prize for winning
  15. snapping pictures
    taking quick pictures
  16. community
    a group of people living together in one place (like a city)
Card Set
Stink 5: World;s Worst Super-Stinky Cheater Contest
vocabulary 5