lecture 2

  1. cognitive psych:
    • reaction to behaviourism
    • way we percieve information, store it and then use it to solve problems rhrough experience learning and memory
  2. basic concepts of psych:
    • brain recieves constant stream of info as electrical impulses from neurons
    • important info amplified by brain as action potentials
    • signals sent ot specific part of brain specialized to recieve that info
    • if its long enough signal to become even related potential brain gets body to act which cause muscle to contract
  3. the science that studies how neural funcitons translate to mental and motor functions is_________
    cognitive science
  4. name some cognitive skills critical in sport
    • attention and anticipation
    • perception
    • decision making
    • problem solving
    • pattern recognition
    • memory
    • focus and concentration
  5. perception
    • how we process sensory info in short period of time (100ms)
    • considered subconscious
    • objects can shift from perception to awareness
  6. attention
    • how we select info for more extensive processing in threshols that range from 120-200ms depending on snesory modality
    • anticipation form of early attention
  7. what are characteristics of attention?
    • primary and secondary attention
    • serial vs parallel processing
    • psychological refactoy period
    • bias and selective attention
    • anticipation (spatial vs temporal)
    • expert attention
  8. what is the difference bwtween novice and experts in how a skill is performed?
    novice need more focus on how to do a skill while experts can focus on external anvironment more because motor skills become automatic
  9. what is a cross sectional study?
    looking at different groups in one point of time
  10. what is the stroop effect?
    • parallel streams of info processed by brain at same time
    • during stroop RT is slower and errors are greater
  11. which part of brain is for word comprehension?
    wernickes area
  12. which part of brain is color vision?
  13. explain psychological refactory period
    • delay in attention when 2 stimuli are processed close together
    • once we detect the 2nd stimulus we cant process it until we finish the 1st
    • even though S! and S2 may be 60-80 ms apart a delay of 200-300ms occurs in responding
  14. what is anticipation?
    ability to direct attention to a stimulus prior to its presentation
  15. what are two types of anticipation?
    • spatial
    • temporal
  16. spatial anticipation
    • predict what is going to happen before stimulus appears
    • ability to anticipate where in spcae movement will occur
    • ex being in position for a pass
  17. temporal anticipation
    • predicting when a stimulus will appear
    • ex-timing attention and movement to be at right time and right place
  18. what are the cognitive sub fields?
    • perception
    • attention
    • focus and concentration
    • memory
    • pattern recognition
    • problem solving
    • decision making
  19. focus and concentration
    ability to attend what is important with period of mental relaxation
  20. memory
    how info stored in the brain and we access it and use it as knowledge for controling thoughts and emotion
  21. pattern recognition
    ability ro racognize staionary and moving objects, as well as navigating in clutteres environment
  22. problem solving
    how we use perception attention and other cognitive abilities to arrive at a solution
  23. decision making
    how we chose from alternatives available to us
Card Set
lecture 2
intro cognitive psych