Arab Americans Since September 11

  1. Arab Americans = immigrants from
    Arabic-speaking countries
  2. Few studies on religious
    affiliation among Arab Americans
    • 63% Christians
    • 24% Muslims
    • 13% Other
  3. Arabs are considered
  4. Arab immigration did not decrease
    after 9/11
    Numbers remained at around 4%
  5. Number of non-immigrants as _________________ decreased
    Tourists, students and temporary workers
  6. Reasons for non-immigrant decrease:
    • Required SEVIS
    • Increasing global competition for best students
  7. 2001 Patriot Act :
    • Increased surveillance without approved court orders
    • 400 charges were made as result of terrorism investigations
    • Authorized warrantless searches : NSA monitored phone calls and emails
  8. 2003: Department of Homeland
    Security implemented NSEERS :
    requires males over 16 from certain countries have to report to immigration offices every year
  9. ____ countries on NSEERS list were Arab-speaking
  10. Long-term consequence :
    • Questioning of identity and outward expression of ethnicity and religion
    • Some hide their heritage
    • Others channeled dilemma into artistic expression
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Arab Americans Since September 11
Section 2