Three main symptoms of croup?
Main virus of croup?
Parainfluenza virus
3 diseases caused by parayxovirus
Order of most common croup viruses?
PIV 1 > PIV 2 >> RSV
Which PIV are more epidemic (1, 2, or 3)?
1 & 2
T/F Type 3 PIV has a seasonal preference?
F, none
Which PIV is endemic?
Type 3
when are Type 1,2, & 3 PIVs epidemic?
- 1&2: autumn
- 3: late winter, spring
What is the common throat sign for PIV causing croup?
Steeple sign
When is a child most likely to have an outbreak with RSV?
- 69% first year
- 83% second year
When is the most dangerous time to give birth to a child b/c of RSV?
April - Sept b/c of ab loss after breastfeeding by the time winter comes around
Other than months, what are the other four most common causes of RSV transmission?
- Crowded places
- older children
- day care
- non-breastfed
Most common drug used for RSV treatment?
For titers, what is the increase that marks an infection?
4-fold increase